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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's wrong in every case. I love how you're trying to rationalize it. That list... ROFL.. most of that shit I haven't touched EVER... the other stuff it doesn't really matter as there's tons of ways to already do that shit on PC better than Steam. No streaming ROFL... who cares? Nobody uses Steam Streaming No TV? Uh.. lol ok. Nobody cares about that shit.. People stream on Twitch... Oh no... No linux support? That's hilarious coming from you... truly.. thanks for the laugh. We all remember you and lynux arguing about Linux gaming vs Windows... NON ISS
  2. How about this... when these games sell fine, and Epic builds their store up, and more developers start supporting Epic.. and exclusive games get made for PC because of Epic... I'll be right there to tell you to go fuck yourself.. just like I am right now, because pirating games just because you don't like the storefront they are on is WRONG... and it's ESPECIALLY rich coming from the motherfucker who was accusing ME of being a pirate because of emulation. Asshat.. stop talking to me.
  3. Yea I can agree with you on that. It's mostly down to animation and the art style though. For example Miller.. his animations and scowl makes him look weird sometimes. And you're right, a lot of the dialogue and interactions when just standing listening to them talk doesn't look natural. 100% agree. A lot of the time though during cutscenes or sequences and there's all these highly detailed characters moving and their armor and shit is reacting physically and the crazy lighting and everything.. it looks damn fine. As I said though.. they'll look dated once TLOU2 comes out. T
  4. It's a demanding game. But cmon man, it's really impressive. To me, this is hands down the best looking complete package out there. Red Dead certainly does some things better than this though. There's no denying that. But that's what a budget of that size and team of that size can get you. Scene detail though, and lighting with RTX.. I give it to Exodus easily. RDR2 has the facial animations, but Metro's character are more detailed over all. When a sequence is playing out in Metro, with the incredible motion blur at really high resolutions, it just looks sublime. And dude..
  5. That's a lie. They are taken at extremely high res. Those ARE the models. And no... compare any of the characters to their previous game.. they are MUCH better.
  6. I don't feel I am too much. There are some weak spots. Not every texture is incredibly high res.. and the animations and things, especially the flying enemies could be better. Basically, most of my complaints from the visuals come from the animation. They are small blemishes on what is often a very striking looking game.. which is the same that can be said for pretty much any game out there. Last gen... the character models? Are you fucking kidding me man... LAST GEN?? This is an Xbox One X screenshot... the amount of visual detail and movement happe
  7. Going from Extreme to High everything else on (Hairworks, PhysX, Tessellation) I get a ~10fps boost at 4K. Simply turning off Tessellation (which X1X doesn't use) gains me another 10fps. That's a 20fps gain just from going to Extreme with tessellation to High without tessellation. This is all with RTX turned off. Notice any remarkable difference in visual quality? LOL NOPE. Which is exactly why I've been saying lately, and specifically here that Extreme is needlessly taxing. This pic wasn't a good representative of the improvements Ext
  8. I didn't say anything to him. I responded to YOU.. and posted benches that actually reflect reality. He's running an 8700.... You're clueless.
  9. You can run it better than consoles, and better fidelity
  10. I don't give a shit what you can and can't do.. I'm not telling you that as a diss... I'm telling you that I have it, and know what the performance profile is like during gameplay and that benchmark... I'm trying to be honest with what those scores you posted represent. You are NOT. And I find it REALLY hilarious that you were the one that was pining for the days that a Crysis-like game would come and push the hardware... now it's here and you're like "omg this is just terrible" Like dude... maybe turn the settings down to Ultra or high? Xbox is even a
  11. From DSOGaming Before continuing, we want to make it crystal clear that we did not use the built-in benchmark tool. As we’ve already said, Metro Exodus’ benchmark is more like a stress test and does not represent the in-game performance. Moreover, we decided to use DX12 instead of DX11 as there wasn’t any significant difference between these two APIs. the benchmark isn't representative of in game performance, it's a lot more taxing that in game performance. It goes on and on... Another thing I'd LOVE to add is that you're trying to talk shit to a person
  12. Nvidia released a news update that it's working on improving the quality of DLSS in Metro and BF5. They said they mostly only focused on 4K DLSS, and the 1440p and 1080p modes weren't trained as much... for what that's worth anyway. lmao
  13. Look at that... 2060 4K Ultra, 26fps with hairworks and physx. Xbox One X runs at mostly high settings with other effects disabled. Again.. this is a extremely taxing benchmark that isn't representative of anything you see in the game. (I'm gonna beat that into your head eventually) Digital Foundry The performance gain going from Ultra to high is huge.. Turn those settings off and the 2060 performs better than the X1X. Just give it up... I'll kill you on every point.
  14. In that taxing canned benchmark... Did you WATCH the benchmark and see why it's taxing? The whole premise of your argument is flawed right from the very beginning.
  15. It's not... it's perfectly fine. It's only broken with DLSS. John from DF corrected himself after he said that. This is the full package on PC.
  16. No... those settings are ABOVE ULTRA. You're being completely disingenuous with how the performance of the card stacks up in settings that it was designed for. And AGAIN... those numbers are from the in game benchmark... which is absolutely more taxing than anything encountered in the game.. and most certainly so during normal gameplay. Also... Joker Productions This is still using the same benchmark tool.. In your pics he used EXTREME and avg fps was 37fps at 1080p... but here's ULTRA settings at the same res... 55fps avg WITH Nvidia hairworks and PhysX enabled...
  17. It's not horrible. You're dumb as fuck breh.. stop trying to skew things so that it looks bad
  18. Nah ROFL. Here's the rundown on those benchmarks... First, they are from the benchmark built into the game, which is absolutely punishing... it's not even CLOSE to a typical instance of actual in game performance.. which is much higher. Also, that's EXTREME quality settings... which is meant for next gen hardware only. Hilarious Dynamite would post them as a response for someone asking about 2060 benches...
  19. No doubt the most technically impressive game from a purely graphical standpoint. I think The Last of Us 2 will obviously beat it in certain areas like animation and characters, but overall visuals during gameplay? It'll be a close one.
  20. He's talking the exact same way about PC vs Consoles as you do about Xbox One X vs PS4 PRO.. omfg get fucking real
  21. No he's not. He's actually humble and knowledgeable. He just says things you don't like to hear.
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