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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, I honestly don't see Nintendo putting anything on Xbox. We're not at that point yet. It really makes me wonder though.. Nintendo and MS have been friendly with each other lately... and throughout the history of video games, there are quite a few known instances of companies who were going to collaborate, and it usually falls through... but maybe this time Nintendo and MS have been making moves behind the scenes and things are going well? I don't see Nintendo going back to traditional hardware consoles like PS and Xbox. So maybe they feel they can both offer each other what
  2. Yea, they fucked up with it. The major contributors to it are no longer with DICE.. so it's probably just being retooled for shit it was never meant to be used for, and they're trying to make it cope as best they can... but it's fucked for certain types of games. Anthem is downright gorgeous... but the engine just sucks at streaming in assets so there's terrible loading screens everywhere. And FIFA and shit hardly look different year to year anymore. It's dead in the water I think.
  3. That would be the best. Nintendo and MS joining forces. Nintendo develops games and focuses on the handheld console which would support all of the 3rd party releases through streaming, the Switch would get all the indie releases natively and of course Nintendo's own games. But they would also release on the console and PC with native 4K graphics support. That would be AMAZING! This aint that though
  4. Nope. Sorry. DLSS looks nice and crisp now... and it's still more temporally stable than native 4K DLSS
  5. I just downloaded it and did some initial tests to see if DLSS was indeed improved... and yes. It's now MUCH better than it was before. These are screens I made comparing native 4K to the new DLSS. 4K native 4K DLSS 4K native 4K DLSS 4K native 4K DLSS Not 100% perfect (it was never going to be better than native 4K)... but MUCH MUCH better now. While actually playing, it's impossible to tell the difference. DLSS is now the preferred way to play Metro
  6. Good idea. I'll put some thought into it tomorrow. I'm just heading to bed now.
  7. ^damn man. This sounds so disappointing.
  8. Yea, I'm just telling you what happened from my end. I know what I meant when I said it.. I wasn't expecting you to admit that I caught you. So there's no sense in arguing back and forth about who's being honest here.. we'd just go on forever. So let's not.
  9. Remij

    Galaxy fold

    Yeah, agreed. Old style cell phones were fine for shit like taking trips in the winter or going somewhere and your kids can call you if they need something or whatever. But these fucking smart phones where people are always connected to the net and constantly heads down looking at their fucking screen. I hate that shit with a passion. Groups of people sitting together all with their fucking phones out... and the few seconds you get of their attention, you can see they're just getting anxious to get back to looking at their god damn phones. And kids are raised on that shit now..
  10. I'm less and less impressed with Frostbite these days. Sure Anthem LOOKS great, but it's a disjointed mess and not a seamless open world game at all. Other engines are far ahead these days. And now EA/DICE have lost a lot of their best engine developers... including Repi.. so it's not looking too great for them.
  11. I doubt it. That was running in real time. What you're seeing there is something that's actually developed on high end PCs with a next gen target in mind. Also, Repi who was a lead engine developer for Frostbite, and literally one of the best people in the field, is working at Embark. Their game will stun graphically.. no doubt.
  12. You didn't link to the quick test demo they made in UE4 to demonstrate some environments they can make.. (Took 3 people 3 weeks to make.. still very early) Pretty impressive actually. Next gen games brehs..
  13. I feel the same. I'm not the hardest guy in the world to please mind you, because there's too much stuff to be interested in instead of putting all my energy into being negative about everything. I can usually find some enjoyment in most games..but if you hear from me that a game or certain aspect of a game is garbage... it's likely pretty terrible lol. I definitely feel like along with yourself, I'll always give a game a fair chance, no matter if it's a Sony, Nintendo, or MS exclusive.. I'll give it a fair shake.
  14. Remij

    Galaxy fold

    I fucking hate cell phones
  15. If you really look at my posting history... I only ever really talk about my PC or GPU or whatever when I'm excited because I'm going to buy them, or someone else is talking about PC stuff and I chime in. I almost never talk about my shit like as if I have something over anyone else... that is unless they are already talking shit. I absolutely love having a really powerful PC and being able to essentially max everything out with great performance.. but I'm also the guy that loves a game like Undertale, and have absolutely no problem playing any kind of game. I always got a lot of "you spent
  16. Is that what I said? Or did I say that Shawn Layden could probably shit in a shoe and it would score higher than Xbox games? I love it when you can literally agree with someone and then they give themselves away that just said something because they wanted to get some sort of reaction from you. Thanks for the laugh, Jehurey.
  17. The console versions have a terrible dead zone and input lag atm. You're essentially trying to remedy that by cranking up the sensitivity but you can't really fix a fundamental problem with the game itself. People have been complaining about it though so 4AGames is likely going to look at changing the dead zone / acceleration values to feel more responsive.
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