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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I LOVE Alex Someone who isn't afraid to say how PC is better than consoles.
  2. They said it would be along time until we see it again back when it was announced. It was very early.
  3. He does that shit all the time. Oh X? That confirms that Y was Z! Aza
  4. Nah, you definitely went retardo. It was probably a mixture of that and banning Jehurey for a week.. I dunno, but you definitely wanted to go after me. I didn't throw any fit.. you were already spazzing out on me before I started back at you. You never have really ever went after me like that. You would have focused on Jon and Dynamite normally.. but you were "Remij-ing" everywhere.. it was really obvious you were upset with me. You didn't say it would be a bust. The thing that annoyed me about that post... is that in YOUR post.. you raise an issue with the console not having
  5. Maybe like the Oculus quest does it... and any other number of phones?
  6. Dude.. are you fucking stupid? Seriously? Did something happen to you this past week that you're dense as fuck now, or have you always been and I just never noticed? We're in a thread talking about VR on the Switch potentially THIS year... What exactly do you think is the fucking plan here? You think the headset with lenses doesn't need to exist and people just strap their switch to their face or something? Did you think that this was referring to a Switch 2? (which would obviously have gyro built into the tablet) Do you think the Switch 2 is coming this year or next? Do you
  7. The headset itself would presumably have built in gyroscopes and cameras.
  8. VR is where Nintendo morphs from being the best developer/publisher in the world, to the best publisher/developer in the fucking Universe... VR is how Nintendo raises the bar past pretty much what only they themselves could reach. There is so much chance for innovation and new gameplay experiences that it's completely obvious that Nintendo knows this is where the future lies for them. Anyone who's played games in VR already knows of the potential for Nintendo franchises in this space. You get hints of it with games like Moss, and a pretty good dose of it with Astro-bot. Other g
  9. People come and go... are you seriously this retarded? Xbox got the short end of the stick at MS from the higher ups back in the day, so they literally had low quality teams with small budgets. They just have a very last gen low budget approach to anything that isn't a pillar franchise. Look at State of Decay 2, or Crackdown even. These games didn't have big budgets... but they COULD have been much better graphically and artistically which would have really improved their perception. Believe it or not, but even though Crackdown 3 is a 2019 release, 5 or so years after the Xbo
  10. Yea, it's not even the devs fault the games they develop suck.. This will be the stupidest comment I read today. Congrats.
  11. Dear LAWD "RTX is just darker" Best looking game out right now.. no contest
  12. Did I say that? Or did I say I had fun playing the MP?
  13. Also, Uncharted's train level HBR
  14. So uh... yea this game definitely looks fucking incredible. Sorry Red Dead 2, but you've been ousted as the best looking game this gen so far. There's nothing in Red Dead 2 that even comes close to what I just saw graphically That said... the animations in Metro aren't to the level of Red Dead 2 obviously. This game looks SO FUCKING GOOD at times that I can't even believe it's running how it is. (5K RTX on, Hairworks on, and Ultra settings @ 30fps) The motion blur is incredible. It really gives the game that filmic CGI kind of look. The amount of detail in some areas is ju
  15. Yea, I'm downloading Metro right now.. but I kinda want to play Anthem too. Probably jump on that tomorrow. I was checking out King Goliathon's stream and it looks like it was running great.
  16. A bunch of people are saying it runs a lot better/smoother and they've touched up some of the lighting and made the colors pop a bit more. Good shit.
  17. Cause it's garbage on PRO I wouldn't blame you
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