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Everything posted by Remij

  1. My god Fucking white supremacists These guys and people like him (the killer not pewdiepie) are literally TERRORISTS and that word needs to be used more when speaking about these white motherfuckers that are shooting up and bombing places. What fucking cowards. That's all it ever is too are these fucking white boys that are psychos and do this shit.. nobody can deny it. I know sometimes, as a white person, when you constantly see "white" this and "white" in a negative way, it can feel like you're unfairly being generalized, especially if you know yourself th
  2. ^you knew this was coming.. We talked about it when it was first unveiled in Japan
  3. Been saying this for forever... People like Dynamite and Aza who think that PC's in the worst position it's ever been in relative to consoles are fucking stupid. Consoles as a fucking idea are on their way to irrelevancy. Soon enough, they wont even bother designing and manufacturing them... I saw this years ago..
  4. LOL NO. It's going to be extremely popular. Halo on the PC did great numbers. Using Halo 5 multiplayer as some kind of comparison is completely retarded... People don't give a fuck about wanting to use the Windows Store... especially when they get a half assed MP chunk of a game. All the classic Halo games + PC options, FOV, Ultra-wide.. plus releasing on Steam... You're in for another surprise Dynamite
  5. Mac and PC. It was originally "announced" first on Mac... but was in development for both.
  6. Bodycount is right though.. the Xbox version is essentially irrelevant. Halo is a PC gaming franchise now. Welcome home indeed
  7. Yes. The Master Chief is with us now. "Daw gosh DARNIT... I have to sell all my Halo games now becuz they're worthless suddenly" I know this fucking kills you inside
  8. Shut up with your fucking Playstation nonsense
  9. Please continue to call me out on that shit. Will keep it in mind for the next time
  10. They're applying the logic that they want their GAMES to sell as much as they can... and your pride can't get in the way. Games are what make the industry it's money. MS has games which cater VERY VERY WELL to the PC audience.. Gears and Halo.. all sorts of other games. Start releasing some bangers and make that fucking money MS. Let's FUCKING GO
  11. I know I sound like a MS shill, but I really do think they understand what went wrong with Halo 5, and took a step back and realized what Halo really was, what it meant to people, and that they had to inject some of that classic Halo back into it if they wanted any chance to build it up again. And I will always maintain, that a franchise like Halo, which was once iconic and dominant in the industry, will ALWAYS have a chance at coming back. People WANT Halo to be great again. They just have to execute on that. Look at how they announced Infinite -Game Engine demonstr
  12. That's because Xbox hardware IS a stop gap. I told you MS will continue to release "a box" because there's a group out there who just wants to buy a box and go. In the future, their hardware will simply be a small form factor PC running Windows 10. Specifically a game oriented version of it. But again, console sales will become LESS AND LESS important in the future... Hitting X number will not mean anything. It will be active users and subscribers.
  13. LOL no... The market you're referring to... is already out there and waiting.... the MAIN market will LOSE some to this new tech if anything... What this is is an EXPANSION of the market. I can't seem to beat that shit into your guys' heads And no the company is uniquely positioned to utilize the infrastructure THEY ALREADY HAVE... as well as expand it MUCH MORE than Sony or Nintendo... They aren't playing catch up at all lmfao... Their entire STACK is built and improving... they've already announced their services for phones, Switch... and of course... the PC. Y
  14. Yes. If they release a nice piece of hardware, of course it will sell... but as I said... they need great games. Halo Infinite has to come out and be amazing, and they have to have a couple other amazing showpiece titles. Of course I know... they have to actually DO it... but assuming they do.. they could easily sell tons of units. There's a big base of XBOTS out there which will buy them regardless... And Sony could always fuck up... You seem to think it couldn't happen, but I assure you, it can. Google and other outside forces don't just pressure MS... let's see
  15. I absolutely think they do. MCC is going to release and do gangbusters.... you don't just cut off Halo Infinite after that. Halo 5 will come to MCC in the future obviously as well.. and that will be all the mainline Halo games. Halo Wars: Definitive Edition is already on there, and I'm sure they will bring Halo Wars 2 as well. This is probably going to be the big test for them about whether they should jump in full Steam ahead with Valve and bring the entire catalog over
  16. Absolutely the right call. We're talking millions of copies big. This is going to be MS' "Capcom moment" where they realize that it's much better to make high quality PC versions of games and support the community. https://www.dsogaming.com/news/capcom-pc-is-the-second-largest-platform-for-monster-hunter-world/ And remember, with Steam's new revenue guidelines, any game that makes between $10-50mil will get 75%, and any sale over $50 mil will see 80% go to Microsoft. This is going to lead to more Steam releases in the fut
  17. Who the fuck is talking about this gen? There's a new gen coming up... of course there's a chance.
  18. Nah man... this is where all this shit was going eventually.. Them flopping this gen only accelerated the mentality with the higher ups. Their entire company is designed around and focused on something which ties directly into where the future of gaming just happens to be going. They are CORRECTLY putting effort into pushing ahead and forging where this can go, instead of playing catch up after everyone else is already doing it.. like most of the other shit they've attempted in the past. They are completely designed for this. The only thing they really need is to start releasin
  19. Take your different colored controller and shut the fuck up lemmings (I'm buying that controller specifically for PC )
  20. Holy fuck that CrapGamer video podcast shit is GOLD. So salty PC cucked the fuck out of them bu but WHAT ABOUT THE CONSOLE PLAYERS!!! MS DOESN'T CARE ABOUT US
  21. No... I'm of the opinion that they are bringing in prominent figures and devs/pubs because they want to prove to the world that they are serious about this shit. I'm expecting a couple of "tough surprises"... but I hope not.
  22. The real ironic thing about this is MS' games are probably going to get a lot better... just as everyone else is able to play them and lemmings have nothing for themselves
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