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Everything posted by Remij

  1. The console versions have a terrible dead zone and input lag atm. You're essentially trying to remedy that by cranking up the sensitivity but you can't really fix a fundamental problem with the game itself. People have been complaining about it though so 4AGames is likely going to look at changing the dead zone / acceleration values to feel more responsive.
  2. I am definitely taking the Friday off for this game
  3. The best thing about it, is that this game comes out in one month and we've only seen very very little of the game. Really only one area and a couple of bosses. The one in this thread, Miyazaki said she's just a teaser of what's to come. But it's so nice to see they are holding back from spoiling everything, or like half the bosses in their trailers like Namco Bandai did with Dark Souls. Apparently Activision said that they understand that Souls fans like and want to be surprised with bosses and enemies so they are keeping revealing them to a minimum.
  4. I'm just fuckin with Jon. I dunno if it's gonna be 60 or not on the enhanced consoles. It could be, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Pretty much all footage shown so far has been on PC.. and the PS4 footage shown was 30fps. A dude from reddit said they played the PRO version and it was 4K 60fps... but I get the feeling that they were playing a PC build with PS4 button prompts. We'll see though. Doesn't matter... it's GOTY regardless
  5. Remij


    Do what makes you happy boo
  6. Unlocked FPS in an action game Essentially... this game looks like it will be more demanding than DS3.. Boost mode
  7. Well, I guess that's possible. Demon's Souls is pretty tough to beat. That said... this game's combat is going to embarrass all other FROM games, so I'm pretty confident it's going to be amazing.
  8. 30fps action games I can play Metro 4K 60 easily. I have the choice.. you don't. LOL Enjoy your 30fps FROMSOFT action game
  9. Nvidia are testing DLSS updates right now on Steam database for Metro. RTX - It's on
  10. Like I said.. I've played a fair amount of Wrecking Zone and some of the destruction I've seen has been fucking crazy. WAY better than anything in Red Faction.. LOL. Leave it to Rich and John, to just stand on top of a building and just shoot chunks off and say it's not impressive. Play the fucking game and fly around and go where the action is.. not just looking for each other and trying to get somewhere where they aren't being attacked so they can make their little video. They were focusing on making a video demonstrating the destruction, but forgot to play the game and be whe
  11. Shit man.. that sucks. Hope everything's all good.
  12. Yep. Metro has moments where honest to god I felt like I was seeing an early next gen game. Metro at it's absolute best, is better than RDR2 imo.. but Metro isn't at it's best all the time like RDR2 is. RDR2's animations and blending are just next level stuff. They're on that same plateau as Naughty Dog. But Metro doesn't hold up nearly as well. The performance capture isn't even close to the same level.. but the team really did an incredible job considering their size and not having access to the same caliber of tools that developers like Rockstar and Naughty Dog do. I can't
  13. Yea, they got some work to do for the next one, but I'm pretty faithful they'll do a great job with it. As for the Store, yea.. there's no way to check it as far as I know. They are bringing all that stuff to the client this year though. The biggest thing they need to get online right away is cloud saves though. lol
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