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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea... because my one post in this thread shows I'm spending so much time here running from CD3 Keep pretending you aren't about me
  2. Keep in mind that I've been very pessimistic regarding the quality of this title and very negative overall about the game. Moreso than for any average game, because this is coming IGA himself.. so I expect quality. To me, that trailer looks better than anything I've seen before regarding the game. Things are more life-like, there's more detail in the gfx, and the animations have improved. Whether it's going to be great or not, that's still up for debate, but I DO feel that it's been improved, so the delays were worth it.
  3. I'm just fucking with ya. Of course it's going to come to PS4 and Xbox. It started out as DLC for the first game after all. They likely have all the versions up and running to some point, but then decided to concentrate their focus on the PC and Switch versions since they were the biggest platforms for the game, and then will finish up the other versions shortly after.
  4. I like it. I really really love the logo for the game. It's sexy as fuck. Also, I want to say that I saw new footage of the game, and it's looking quite a bit better than it was before, to my eyes anyway. I'm hoping these delays pay off, because I'd love a new series to take over Castlevania and be of the same caliber.
  5. Sure.. but they are also 3 people who are millionaires and might not give a shit outside of making money from the PC and Switch versions? They might want to take vacations and they'll see about getting around to it maybe later sometime possibly, pherhaps?
  6. They are a 3 person team. PS4 and XO are understandably low priority for them. They'll get around to it eventually more than likely but they even say themselves they don't want to commit to anything outside of that.. so there's always a chance that it might not happen. Not likely, but they leave themselves that possibility.
  7. This is gonna be awesome, as well as Ori... hopefully this year. Now playing as Hornet
  8. Ori is so fucking good. For me, it's a same caliber of game as any of the great Sony exclusives. Ori 2 is going to be amazing! It's one game that MS has that I'm 100% confident will be AAA for the future. We'll probably get the date at E3, which I'm expecting to be not long of a wait. Probably July or August. Look at how fucking gorgeous and vibrant the artwork is.. As a refresher of the fucking beauty that accompanies this awesome playing metroidvania/platformer The 21:9 version is just And the gameplay
  9. It's actually pretty fucking crazy. There's this one section where they are basically just throwing enemies at you and you're just fucking mowing them down and the bodies are building up.. it's crazy. I fucking LOVE the way the guns zoom in and out in this game. It's cinematic as fuck. Shit... I should have took a video of it One thing (of a few things) that annoys me about this game though... is just 1 save slot. You basically have a quick save and that's it.. and if the game auto saves.. your save is overwritten.. pretty fucking stupid.
  10. Oh cool, someone responded to my thre---oh, it's just Jimbo
  11. Outside of the snow effect at the very beginning, it's not a horrible downgrade.. mostly just different. There were artistic changes, level design changes, and lighting changes, but nothing really downgraded, just different. Some of the LODs have been reduced, but only in the far far distance. The only other "downgrade" were contextual animations to add flair to the demo that weren't really meant to be part of the game. The E3 footage was proclaimed "X1X footage" but you can see the E3 demo's monsters have hairworks on them.. which actually is in the PC version of the game, so i
  12. No you didn't guess why it was happening.. you guessed why the demo didn't include it... which was to be random to test the network... which is a normal thing for network tests to focus on. You know why that's a normal thing to force tests on? Because party system support being included is a given and people would automatically play the test with friends limiting the scope of the network test for match making... It does change what you're saying now.. because you're trying to act like you said that because you knew this was a potential issue for them. You had NO fucking idea unt
  13. You said that as a reason why the DEMO didn't support it... fuck off. You expected it to have the feature just like everyone else did. You even say... "we can play if you end up getting it." meaning you expected the full game to have it too.. I've told you before that I thought the demo was like that to test the match making aspect... I never in 1 million years thought the game itself wouldn't have it at launch. Come. the. fuck. on. breh... you're not trying to spin this shit acting like you expected it
  14. Here's what I know. I know that since they are actually talking about it, and have it in their "sand box" and have OBVIOUSLY had to work and design around it, they had to consider including it for launch or not... that it's possible. This wasn't some NEW problem they just realized they had to deal with right before launch... So, I know that since it's possible.. and they simply need more time... that they should have delayed the product and held off until it was complete. Crackdown 3 Campaign could have launched before and Wrecking Fest later... in an actual acceptable state
  15. And watch as they "solve" the issue...within a month of release... They wanted the launch to be as barebones and simple as possible to analyse their network capabilities... understandable... except that's what betas and internal testing is for before you release a product. There's literally NO excuse you can muster up to not incorporate basic MP features into your game in 2019 and have it ready for release. NO FUCKING EXCUSE.
  16. Dude... you realize that ALL forms of rendering are hacks which are implemented to help performance reach an acceptable level on all hardware, right? This technology will be integral for continuing to raise the bar in more meaningful ways. More efficiently rendering is NOT a "trend of artificially rendering scenes" it's being more efficient and weighing the tradeoffs to implement the best solution possible for the end users. Again, you seem to be treating checkerboard rendering as a technology which can't or won't improve... And I'd also like to add that most games th
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