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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Is that all it takes? VR isn't going anywhere. It's the future of entertainment. So you ARE wrong... WERE wrong... and WILL CONTINUE to be wrong
  2. There were more AAAe VR games this year than Xbox games.
  3. This thread The game looks amazing, and will certainly look better on PC with the ray-traced global illumination and shadowing. The game is a technical tour-de-force.
  4. Fuck yes. Godly trailer. Game looks great. I love watching this team grow with every game they make. They're super talented and do amazing work with the budget they are given.
  5. Acting like you weren't being a little fucking cunt bitch in the other threads. No demoz 4 u!!! DemoCopHBR BhtearsHBR bu but my timed demo!!! UHBR REM!! Get fucked... and guess what... I still don't give a shit. This is stupid of them to do at this point.
  6. This👏isn't👏an👏Xbox👏sales 👏thread PS4 has sold 92mil? Great. Not much else to say.
  7. Ryzen is currently great... not amazing imo. 3000 though... now that has the potential
  8. Stalling for time because they have nothing. Another typical AMD cycle. What a fucking worthless company. Any rebranding is going to look terribly weak. Just put out your floppy console shit and better luck next cycle, idiots.
  9. The technology is not the same. And no.. I don't feel like explaining it to you. Do some research before you start arguing about shit you don't know about.
  10. Yes... just wait... until HDMI 2.1 comes and is the norm... and Nvidia has created and marketed another proprietary tech in display technology that works with their GPUs and includes it in the Gsync certification.... Basically this is Nvidia throwing a bone to those VRR monitors which are actually decent out there. They probably were begged by the monitor vendors to support them so that they'd actually sell
  11. They are different. You also know Nvidia certified laptop monitors for gsync as well which didn't have the chip inside? Of course you didn't... You have no fucking idea about the technology whatsoever. The amount of knowledge you have about this shit boils down to "durr AMD haz dah free onez rite? " All tech stocks have tumbled. Notice how much more tumbling Nvidia would have to do to become AMD?
  12. Everyone cares about Gsync, because everyone owns Nvidia GPUS... get the fuck outta here clown
  13. No... trust me... people care about Gsync. HDMI 2.1 hasn't made anything irrelevant lmao. And wash your filthy mouth fuckhead. Nvidia created and marketed the technology. Freesync is garbo compared to gsync on so many levels. Of course you're happy to settle for less because it's cheaper Budgetnux3
  14. This means they can say these monitors are Gsync certified.... and that on anything else your mileage will vary and they are NOT supported.
  15. You're an idiot. Seriously. They literally JUST ANNOUNCED a new Gsync monitor
  16. It doesn't really force Nvidia's hand in anything. They are still going to have a Gsync standard and will continue to sell them. They're just expanding the supported monitors to those that meet their criteria using the open VESA standard. They aren't adopting the entire standard. Not yet anyway. This isn't Nvidia giving in... or dropping gsync. Gsync is still factually better and worth the certification to some people... but there's going to be people who are satisfied with HDMI VRR.. so it's a good move on their part. Are these driver supported monitors supporting
  17. Says the Nintendo direct fag Shut the fuck up you clown ass motherfucker. Take Nintendo's D-erect and shove it up your flabby cottage cheese wrinkly ass bitch tits
  18. I don't see any reason why they shouldn't. Other than simply not wanting to support a device on a platform they don't make games for.. Which is reasonable.. but still the amount of headsets they would sell would increase dramatically.. and those people who have that headset would be more likely to buy a PS5 and VR games there as well. If I had a PSVR headset which worked perfectly with my PC... I'd definitely buy PSVR games as well. At least they'd be getting more headset sales as well.
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