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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No. Actual detail in Metro is on a completely different level. I looked it over.. and over... What makes RDR2 stand out against anything else is the presentation. Not so much the gfx, but how they present them to you. If you stop and take a pic of RDR2, and just actually look at it... the geometric detail isn't that great... and Metro has far better lighting and shadowing.
  2. Forgot to mention Hellblade is quite stunning, and definitely hangs with the cream of the crop. Team Ninja is capable of crazy things... with a bigger budget the sky's the limit.
  3. 1. Metro Exodus on PC with RTX 2. God of War 3. RDR2 I went back and played RDR2 a bit after Metro, and nah.. outside of animations Metro on PC is just simply more stunning, especially running at 2x the framerate. God of War is the next best, then RDR2, then after games like Detroit, FH4, Assassin's Creed, Horizon, and others coming right after.
  4. This is what I always saw it as being. It was always going to be unifying the dev platform so that creating something for one is essentially creating it for the other. The change to read native xbox code is surprising however. Real talk though.. can we just appreciate how massive of an undertaking and change this is? It's a crazy amount of work that they are putting into their platform and there's tons of backend shit that is changing quite drastically. When you think about all the different people that have to work on this from the Xbox teams and the Windows teams, to the stor
  5. Just a little bit ago you were arguing with me that MS' future PC support would be xCloud only and that games wouldn't be made for or native on PC......... Now you're realizing that they are unifying their development platform so that PC runs all Xbox code natively...... It's entirely possible that Switch gets native Xbox games. I argued against it before.. but Nintendo and MS obviously have a relationship which is gonna be more than just Streaming. Phil's gonna blow the doors off at Build, GDC, and E3
  6. Damn... Jon's about 75% converted to a hermbro. Thanks MS
  7. Also, @DynamiteCop! sorry to break it to you... but with the changes MS has made to DirectX, PC is running .xvc natively... which means that games aren't being made natively for Xbox specifically and then emulated on PC... they are running native code. They can be designed around the Xbox console spec, but they will very likely be designed to scale on PC hardware, and will have Xbox console specific "flags" which determine the console settings based on which console they are played on. It's almost like I've said this before After making these changes... MS can release
  8. It seems pretty clear now that MS is gonna be doing something for Nintendo. I believe we'll see native ports of Ori and Cuphead, as well as others. If that Forza game built specifically for Switch happens, then yea, anything is possible. They know the uptake on streaming isn't going to be even 25% right off the bat... if they're serious about supporting Switch, then the games that CAN function on the hardware, could very well see ports, while the ones that don't are available via streaming. I still don't think anything with Sony is going to happen... simply because Sony won't al
  9. Edited the title about spoilers in the vid. I already made this thread but didn't ask for predictions so well keep it separate. GS: 9/10 IGN: 8.8 Meta: 87
  10. @DynamiteCop! Jon is on PC now.... he's above defending it or really caring anymore. He can be honest with himself. As I said long long ago on Sidescrollers, MS is removing hardware from the equation and their own "xbox consoles" will literally be off the shelf small form factor PCs..
  11. Bu but Epic bad mouthed PC gamerz Yea... PC gamers were pirating the fuck out of games back then... can't really blame them. Why are you taking it personally? How many Japanese developers shunned PC for years and years, but are now releasing everything on it and praising it as a growing market for them??? Should PC gamers not support them because of how they treated those poor PC gamers for so long??? Give me a fucking break... we're not friends... It's a business. Give me a fucking game which works and I give you my money... that's as far as it goes. E
  12. Does typing that make you feel better? This IS ok... this IS what an open market IS. This isn't damaging anything except the anuses of inter-platform fanboy bitches like yourself and others who think that Steam is the greatest thing in the world and that everything should release on everything. No... it shouldn't. I want stores which actually SUPPORT the developers and financially push and back the products they allow onto their stores... where they have an INCENTIVE TO SEE THOSE DEVELOPERS SUCCEED... instead of a fucking dumping ground for whatever where developers
  13. I don't think it will really make a difference in the actual image quality on a per frame basis. Obviously there's different techniques and they bring different results, but for the most part they are still only sampling a set amount of data from the previous frame. What it DOES do though, is reduce the ghosting artifact which exacerbates pixel crawl and aliasing. Which in itself DOES make a huge difference to image quality in motion. I tested it with Watch Dogs 2.
  14. Uh.. yes... that's a perfectly valid reason to do what they are doing. Their games aren't selling on Steam, and Epic is paying them to release on their store... AND they make MORE money per sale from EPIC... so releasing on both, would likely result in less money for them. Just get the fuck over it and support the developers who make games you enjoy. PC is an open platform and they are free to use whichever distribution method/provider/platform within... It's people like YOU DynamiteCop who are separating and trying to divide PC gaming into different platforms.
  15. They are such a gorgeous cat Probably my favorite looking cat.
  16. Ah yea, it was scavenged. Oh well, regardless.. Mountain Lions aren't to be fucked with. That was pretty young though. I wonder if the story is as he says, or whether he purposefully tried to kill it? It doesn't seem likely that a cat that size would try to kill a human.
  17. I know Jon knows better than that. I think the way it was reported and presented was like as if this guy killed a huge mountain lion with his bare hands and it turns out it wasn't a full grown cat.. so Jon basically feels like it was just bullshit and knows he's heard of people fighting off much bigger cats. But as I said.. it's not that people kill those cats, or really hurt them... it's that the cat just decides that they aren't worth the trouble. If a mountain lion was hungry, and hadn't eaten for a while, and you are alone and stumble across it... you're in big trouble if it doesn't bac
  18. Been playing this a bit... and fuck does it look really god damn good at times. The amount of options on PC is just frankly ridiculous, and the game runs like a dream. I'm pretty impressed.
  19. LOL Jon... a hungry 50lbs cat is no fucking joke. And you just try kicking it in the ribs... a cats reflexes far surpass our own. I'm not saying it can't be done, but by the time you can do it, it's already jumped up and got it's claws around your face/neck. YES.. people have fought off much larger cats... but cats are very intelligent hunters who will assess you and test if you are more trouble than you are worth. In most cases, you're not and they leave for easier prey... but a hungry or starving cat? You could still fight it off, but you're in trouble, and if it gets you in
  20. PhysX is in MOST games these days... chances are if it's not using havok, it's using PhysX... and that's regardless of console or PC.
  21. Jon said 4K was a gimmick and hardly an improvement about 6 years back when I first got a 4K monitor and was talking about how great it was... Now he's all about the 4K and anything else is garbo. I'm expecting the same thing with regards to ray tracing.
  22. No it doesn't You sound like a dumbo.
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