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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's not going to be pathetically small. It will start small. Jesus... why do I get the feeling when I say the future you think I mean 2021? You are HORRIBLY blind man...
  2. Also, does netflix still offer DVD and Blu-ray rentals as well as set top boxes... like MS will still offer with Xbox? Aza.. you're acting like this isn't expanding the market... but consuming their current market. You're acting like MS' main market core/physical console owners, is completely gone and they simply have to make it work with 40million subscribers.... LMFAO. These moves are about EXPANDING their market reach...
  3. It has 2x more users paying X amount of money per month over YEARS....... Are you seriously just looking at the number of subscribers paying a fixed amount every month and comparing it directly to owners who's purchasing habits vary wildly and are unpredictable? You truly ARE stupid.
  4. Ok, let's say it's not the future.... then... this does nothing to Xbox hardware sales.. Wow... you lose again, congrats. You see how stupid the shit you say is? Before in this thread... it was MS hardware is dead... everyone will just stream on Switch... Now you've been making the argument this entire time that it's hardly viable and nobody will support it... So then I guess MS hardware isn't dead and this just means nothing, right? Dumbza... keep circling your own drain you buffoon.. you're either wrong, or you're wrong.
  5. I never said the game running at 60fps in conjunction with a 60fps Stream wouldn't be better.... I'm saying that Google's implementation of a 60fps stream with their 30fps game minimizes the latency over what it would be if it was 30fps game + 30fps stream. God DAMN you can't follow along at all, can you? We're talking about the tech and what it can do... Dumb indeed
  6. Dude... an entire generation is growing up on streaming......... You're so blind dude, I feel bad. Luckily for you, Sony won't be... and God Bless them if they are
  7. They don't need 100+ million subscribers for this to be a MAJOR success. Are you LITERALLY fucking retarded Aza?
  8. Netflix isn't the only streaming service.. holy shit. And do you know how much money that is... per month... per year....
  9. God you're dumb as fuck... and hilariously trying to take away from the fact that Google's Stream streamed ACO at 60fps PSNow also streams at 60fps btw
  10. I did... oh my fucking god. Different clients from different parts of the world.. Different servers... meaning different latencies.. Comparing different games... at different resolutions... None of that shit means anything... that's why DF made that comment and then completely dismissed it... Man you're clueless
  11. Demoralizing? Dude... come to reality. Look at the changes going on around you... You want to be lied to and for me to peddle your shit like Sony will remain untouchable and will continue to release traditional consoles forever with physical releases of everything... in a world that is increasingly going digital, huge moves are being made into a streaming future, and partnerships between MS and Nintendo are apparently happening right before our eyes? Be naive all you want... I don't give a fuck about consoles... I said traditional consoles were going away way back on
  12. Which games dipshit? Which game are you or anyone else testing that is across both platforms? Some PSNow games stream at 720p, others at 1080p... some 30fps, and some 60fps. PLEASE post your comparison.
  13. So... looking at those images fullscreen... which one is DLSS and which one is native?
  14. No.. that is NOT the important part. The important part is what Googles service streams at... ie.. the latency added on top of the game. ACO is a 30fps game on consoles... A 30fps game with more laggy controls in general is better suited as a test for streaming because it naturally requires less precision. What's important here is that Google's service STREAMS at 60fps... and not 30fps... which would greatly increase latency... Cmon man... I shouldn't have to tell you this shit. Holy fuck.. simply retarded
  15. Nah, even Digital Foundry confirms it streams as 60fps... The stream is 60fps. Period.
  16. I'm talking about hardware being compelling for different user bases.. The large majority of console gamers will want a high end machine which runs games natively. A small portion will possibly stream. A different portion will play on PC, and another portion on Switch or other devices. Their main console market isn't going away because their games are also on other devices... these people want CONSOLES that connect to the TV.. and a simple streamlined native experience. That's not going away. There's really high end players who have high end PCs and will play there.. but it's
  17. This gen does not equal next gen. Xbox One was a failure... You can only see a vision where Sony does everything perfectly and MS at best stays the same as it currently is.... you say this despite HUGE rumors of potentially market changing technologies and partnerships on the horizon... You are closed minded as fuck. Sony could fuck up and MS could completely capitalize... we don't know.
  18. Dude, I'm answering the question he asked. He didn't ask what fps ACO ran at.. he asked what Goggle is capable of... and it's capable of streaming at 60fps.. because that's what it streamed ACO at. Of course FPS between games is going to vary... just like they do running natively on hardware.. And yes.. it's just a beta. I've been in literally every game streaming service beta that there is besides that one... which was US only.. and didn't matter because I already know it was a 60fps stream. All of them are 60fps streams.
  19. Or, just maybe they'll offer the best hardware at a reasonable price with good features and accessibility options, and their hardware could fly off the shelves? Maybe they'll get their first party shit in order and it will be compelling and competitive this coming gen? There's a large group of high end console only gamers out there... and MS will have a shot at that market like they have before. They need to release better games. A small portion of people will be on PC and Stream, comparatively. The end game isn't to not release a console device... it's to be able t
  20. Nah, you definitely are. What we know is that it streams at 60fps. This is confirmed. Next time do some research
  21. You are the one talking about how Streaming is the end of MS's hardware.... now you're saying that it will barely make an impact? What's it going to be Aza? Do you see how all over the place you are? 25 million x $10 per month = more $$$$$$$$ than before
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