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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Maybe you're just a retard who didn't answer his fucking question correctly... and Aza, being so stupid... is looking past it now because he knows you're wrong. The question WAS indeed about whether Project Stream can do 60fps... and it CAN AND DOES. You're so fucking dumb Lynux. Don't even chime in on this shit because you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. The STREAM is 60fps.. regardless of the fucking fps the game is running at DIPSHIT. I love how you clown-ass motherfuckers are building narratives off of WRONG information, and trying to use a single
  2. You're SO fucking stupid. LITERALLY. Aza asked if Project Stream could even do 60fps... and the fact is that it CAN.. and Odyssey was STREAMED AT 60fps. FUCKHEAD. So the answer is YES, it can... and YES it DOES stream Odyssey at 60fps...
  3. No... you're dumb because before any of this news you were claiming that Streaming wasn't the future and wouldn't be for a LONG time, if ever. You're a physical type guy after all... right? Then you were saying that it was going to fail... who would subscribe to services like this... and now you're talking about how great it's going to be... and then... in your post, you talk about being happy with the value Nintendo has put out this gen... but they haven't done ANYTHING yet.. and we don't know what's happening exactly... AND THEN.... you say they've already buried a faction.
  4. I never said Sony would benefit from it. You seem to think Sony is impervious to the potential disruption of the market this partnership, and future partnerships could cause. You see Sony benefiting from this because you think MS' hardware presence will wane and it will leave Sony to sweep in an undisputed control the market. I'm telling you that one doesn't beget the other. Depending on how this relationship grows, or not... Sony could be in big fucking trouble... that is.. unless they start making some moves of their own. Shit is going to change rapidly Aza... and
  5. They haven't sacrificed anything regarding hardware. People looking for a traditional powerful console will only have the choice between Sony and Xbox.. that's not changing. It's hilarious how you think nobody will buy an Xbox console now... ROFL Streaming is EXPANDING their potential market... not REPLACING it..
  6. Yes.. Nintendo and MS partnering... and Amazon and Google entering the market is great for Sony
  7. I agree. I think it will be quite some time before that would possibly happen (in the capacity I want it to, anyway) and Nintendo and MS' partnership would have to slowly grow in such a way that it would prove to be viable and successful for both. I feel like this could be the beginning of it though... After all, Nintendo WAS going to partner with Sony on a console in the past. It all starts with MS courting them, offering them anything they can, and if Nintendo see's benefits from using MS' services and whatever else, then over time as people get used to the idea of the partners
  8. No. You wouldn't get any tangible performance benefit from enabling it because it requires a fixed amount of time to execute. With RTX off, your GPU is probably performing pretty good at 1440p already.
  9. It's not "not working" It's like that by design. Try again
  10. I guess it doesn't work at lower resolutions with RTX off because your framerate would already be high enough. It works for me at 4K anyway
  11. Don't turn "RTX" off... you leave RTX on and turn ray tracing from high or ultra to off...
  12. You're running Metro at 1440p DLSS? Take some screens. And dude... you can run DLSS without RT... Jesus I'm dealing with idiots.
  13. I'm asking a question dipshit. You know.. information that's relevant. You're the one obsessively trying to be dramatic about everything
  14. What game, and what res.. lmao? Of course 1080p DLSS is gonna be garbo
  15. "I'm not being dramatic" "It's night and day" ...all in the same sentence
  16. What am I trying to push? What am I ACTUALLY saying? You're being dramatic again
  17. ROFL Timestamped the vid... TechJesus with the realness. BF5's implementation is definitely subpar and will be improved
  18. Every time you argue with me it becomes so And I never said the image was perfect... but it most certainly doesn't look like medium settings. Would you like me to destroy that opinion with screenshots? My issue with you is the way you exaggerate the difference.
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