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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea. In some areas the DLSS looks better actually. The stability of the image and lower amounts of ghosting make it look really good in motion. As I said, yes, if you look closely, you can see slight detail missing with DLSS.. but on a screen from normal viewing distances.. and, you know, actually playing the game...it's a non issue. It looks really damn good. The main problem with DLSS at the moment is that HDR is fucked with it on. The whole screen is just bright and washed out. They're supposed to be working on a fix though. Also, the lead graphics R
  2. Percentages not really sure. But I've noticed I gain anything from like 12-20fps at 4K between DLSS on and off. With RTX off, the gain is less than with RTX on. In the first group of pics I had ray tracing off. I'm gonna make a couple comparisons with 1440p, 1440p DLSS, 4K, and 4K DLSS. I'll do them with RT on and off and we can see the fps differences.
  3. There's a heat haze effect which is probably what you're seeing. Or are you talking about someone else's shots?
  4. It is rough.. it's extremely early.. and their networks and algorithms are improving over time. This is just the beginning. Of course.. if every game ships like how BF5 and Metro had implemented DLSS to begin with... then they might as well pack their bags right now. There was NO reason for Metro to feature DLSS in the shape it was in at launch. That was a major fail and really hurt perception of the technology. So soooo stupid of them to release it like that. Now it's like.. ok this is more like it. Still not perfect, but definitely a good alternative to gain some performan
  5. You're a plain fucking idiot if you don't think phones and tablets are the primary market they are looking to to EXPAND the core gaming market potential userbase.... Are you forgetting that little thing? If they released a powerful console and had AAA games releasing regularly... those Switch and Windows gamers would be buying the console...not streaming.. they are core gamers.. STREAMING is meant to EXPAND the market... not fill in for the market they are currently failing in. They know they need to fix those problems to gain a larger foothold in THAT market... Expanding the mar
  6. Uh, and Xbox streaming could be an optional feature for anyone with a phone, tablet, PC, Switch, and whever else... So Aza... WHERE DOES THIS LEAVE SONY? What is Sony going to do for this future?
  7. Everyone was so quick to shit on the technology and completely dismiss it It's going to get better too DLSS - It's on
  8. All? No. Some? Sure. Net+ I mean... Aza acts like people are gonna be dying to buy a PS5 tablet so they can stream their PS5 games... It's gonna have controllers that dock to the tablet... and the tablet isn't going to do anything other than play Playstation games..
  9. You are you Aza... you're a console gamer. THINK OUTSIDE YOUR OWN FUCKING HEAD FOR A MINUTE! And again... think of the FUTURE where networks are improved drastically and latency is reduced.. You're so narrow minded. It's why I hate having a conversation with you about anything forward looking.
  10. Console games will be popular on phones... You're in for a fucking surprise if you don't agree.
  11. MS has work to do on exclusives. If they can get solid titles and build some franchises, then that will help immensely. The games have to be good after all... lol
  12. Aza... they are EXPANDING their market... The phone market is huge... and there ARE people who will engage. Switch is a tiny tiny fraction. You're thinking extremely narrow in scope here lmao... Think to the FUTURE not... what it would be now if it released now... In the future, with 5G or whatever networks and all these huge infrastructure improvements, your games are wherever you are.. and whichever device you have with you. Console quality games being on any hand held and tablet or phone.. will have an affect on that market. It's not going to happen all at once.
  13. People spend ludicrous amounts of money on that game.... a $10 subscription isn't shit.. .please And those are console games, which moved over and made a splash in the so called "candy crush" market... There's a market there for console games... people just need the ability to be able to play them there..
  14. There's a lot that will. Phone gamers are phone gamers because console games aren't where they are... soon, that may no longer be the case and tons of people could start playing these games.. Look at PUBG and Fortnite...
  15. Ori isn't a low powered game at all though. It's actually quite demanding. Did you know that the game is entirely in 3d?
  16. You're not saying anything here... You said MS's streaming lives or dies on whether or not they get on the Switch... Do you realize how fucking STUPID that is? The amount of devices that streaming opens MS up to is WAAAAY more than 100m... That's fuck all. You mentioned mobile people that play candy crush on their phones as not being the target... but do you know that there's far more to mobile gaming than candy crush? Did you know that a lot of people who play on mobile play those kinds of games because those are the main kinds of games made for those devices? Mil
  17. I like how Sony doesn't play into this equation at all... and LMFAO thinking that Google, Amazon, or Xbox lives and dies in the streaming market based on who gets to Switch first. Are you fucking stupid?
  18. Yea, I honestly don't see Nintendo putting anything on Xbox. We're not at that point yet. It really makes me wonder though.. Nintendo and MS have been friendly with each other lately... and throughout the history of video games, there are quite a few known instances of companies who were going to collaborate, and it usually falls through... but maybe this time Nintendo and MS have been making moves behind the scenes and things are going well? I don't see Nintendo going back to traditional hardware consoles like PS and Xbox. So maybe they feel they can both offer each other what
  19. Yea, they fucked up with it. The major contributors to it are no longer with DICE.. so it's probably just being retooled for shit it was never meant to be used for, and they're trying to make it cope as best they can... but it's fucked for certain types of games. Anthem is downright gorgeous... but the engine just sucks at streaming in assets so there's terrible loading screens everywhere. And FIFA and shit hardly look different year to year anymore. It's dead in the water I think.
  20. That would be the best. Nintendo and MS joining forces. Nintendo develops games and focuses on the handheld console which would support all of the 3rd party releases through streaming, the Switch would get all the indie releases natively and of course Nintendo's own games. But they would also release on the console and PC with native 4K graphics support. That would be AMAZING! This aint that though
  21. Nope. Sorry. DLSS looks nice and crisp now... and it's still more temporally stable than native 4K DLSS
  22. I just downloaded it and did some initial tests to see if DLSS was indeed improved... and yes. It's now MUCH better than it was before. These are screens I made comparing native 4K to the new DLSS. 4K native 4K DLSS 4K native 4K DLSS 4K native 4K DLSS Not 100% perfect (it was never going to be better than native 4K)... but MUCH MUCH better now. While actually playing, it's impossible to tell the difference. DLSS is now the preferred way to play Metro
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