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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Why wouldn't Kamiya still be the director though? Astral Chain isn't Kamiya's game... Maybe that's to avoid further legal issues or something
  2. That's a massive stretch... and Allanah clearly says Scalebound. Again, people in the know would speak up and say that Astral Chain was replacing Scalebound.. or loosely based off of it's concepts.. Nobody is though..
  3. Yea it's a weird one. They're a prominent 3DS developer, so maybe they wanted to familiarize themselves with UE4 with this game to help for future games they could be developing or porting. Maybe Nintendo also wants these engines to get some use on their platform to help perception that they support modern engines? Who really knows? All I know is I'm really interested in seeing how Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice translates over to the Switch as it's also UE4 and uses quite advanced lighting and shading techniques.
  4. JP (the guy who's post you tweeted) was actually there helping the team pitch Astral Chain. Seems like he would have caught that this rumor was potentially referring to Astral Chain if that was the case. But yea, it could be. I just remember the rumor sounding like it was a game or franchise that people would have known about.. not some internal thing that wouldn't be a big deal to anyone. I think PG has enough on their plate right now, so I don't think we'll be hearing anything else for a bit.
  5. Those are some pretty good ones. is a GOAT smiley.
  6. He did say Scalebound was the game of his dreams. Watch.. Nintendo will revive it, he'll make the game, it will be AAA everywhere, and even if it IS a mostly completely different game, MS will never live it down.
  7. Nobody was complaining before... only you. Blue was fine. But this is fine now... Idgaf
  8. You're not harassing me over CD3... you're harassing me because I locked your little political thread... you're not fooling ANYONE Michael.. And I've been shitting on RE4 for a long time... before the whole "lemming" thing... thinking this is some new wave of hate just because RE2 Remake released is hilarious. "Bubut they just wanna hate on RE4 cauz itz da best" Get the fuck outta here clown ass motherfucker. RE4 is garbage, and always was garbage, and CD3 sucking doesn't change that fact... but you're certainly using it as a crutch to help yourself feel better i
  9. -Nintendo using UE4 -UE4 @ 60fps is a stress test for the console -Avg 576p when Docked, but has a dynamic element which can go up to 675p or can dip a bit lower. -Avg 396p in Portable mode, also dynamic going up to 495p -Game still looks reasonably clean -Uses offline Global Illumination for some areas/surfaces -Hold 60fps 99% of the time with only a dropped frame from time to time -Music is pretty bad according to John Honesly, I'm surprised the resolution is that low? The game hides it quite well imo. It's a nice looking game.
  10. ^Trying so hard to change the topic to be about Crackdown 3 so you can claim we're running when someone says this is a RE4 thread You're such an amateur. I think your ass hurting so much is affecting your ability to post properly.
  11. Yea... because my one post in this thread shows I'm spending so much time here running from CD3 Keep pretending you aren't about me
  12. Keep in mind that I've been very pessimistic regarding the quality of this title and very negative overall about the game. Moreso than for any average game, because this is coming IGA himself.. so I expect quality. To me, that trailer looks better than anything I've seen before regarding the game. Things are more life-like, there's more detail in the gfx, and the animations have improved. Whether it's going to be great or not, that's still up for debate, but I DO feel that it's been improved, so the delays were worth it.
  13. I'm just fucking with ya. Of course it's going to come to PS4 and Xbox. It started out as DLC for the first game after all. They likely have all the versions up and running to some point, but then decided to concentrate their focus on the PC and Switch versions since they were the biggest platforms for the game, and then will finish up the other versions shortly after.
  14. I like it. I really really love the logo for the game. It's sexy as fuck. Also, I want to say that I saw new footage of the game, and it's looking quite a bit better than it was before, to my eyes anyway. I'm hoping these delays pay off, because I'd love a new series to take over Castlevania and be of the same caliber.
  15. Sure.. but they are also 3 people who are millionaires and might not give a shit outside of making money from the PC and Switch versions? They might want to take vacations and they'll see about getting around to it maybe later sometime possibly, pherhaps?
  16. They are a 3 person team. PS4 and XO are understandably low priority for them. They'll get around to it eventually more than likely but they even say themselves they don't want to commit to anything outside of that.. so there's always a chance that it might not happen. Not likely, but they leave themselves that possibility.
  17. This is gonna be awesome, as well as Ori... hopefully this year. Now playing as Hornet
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