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Everything posted by Remij

  1. So uh... yea this game definitely looks fucking incredible. Sorry Red Dead 2, but you've been ousted as the best looking game this gen so far. There's nothing in Red Dead 2 that even comes close to what I just saw graphically That said... the animations in Metro aren't to the level of Red Dead 2 obviously. This game looks SO FUCKING GOOD at times that I can't even believe it's running how it is. (5K RTX on, Hairworks on, and Ultra settings @ 30fps) The motion blur is incredible. It really gives the game that filmic CGI kind of look. The amount of detail in some areas is ju
  2. Yea, I'm downloading Metro right now.. but I kinda want to play Anthem too. Probably jump on that tomorrow. I was checking out King Goliathon's stream and it looks like it was running great.
  3. A bunch of people are saying it runs a lot better/smoother and they've touched up some of the lighting and made the colors pop a bit more. Good shit.
  4. Cause it's garbage on PRO I wouldn't blame you
  5. No.. it's definitely worth it. This is how graphics get better... Again.. people said the same shit every time a new technology is developed to enhance computer graphics. People literally said, about ambient occlusion... "oh, so it makes the corners all dark?... That's it?" and people didn't want to use it because it had a performance hit... Slightly darker corners wasn't worth it... now? ROFL games just look fucking WRONG without some form of it. Except even then... ambient occlusion in games today is garbage.. and not even close to accurate. Just look at ray traced ambient occlusion com
  6. You guys can argue how realistic it is VS real life all you want... when I'm arguing how realistic it is vs the first image posted. lmao This... looks COMPLETELY wrong. The character, the ground.. the wall on the right side of the opening is just as dark as the ray-traced one. Look how the floor is bright where the wall and floor meet.. there's no light bounce from the floor... and don't even get me started on the soldier Now here, it's much more accurate. The wall actually receives SOME light bounce from the ground. It's much more accurate. Then look at the
  7. It's actually modeling how light works in real life, to a limited degree. It's realistic in how it works. Much more so than the traditional method. It also looks more realistic than the traditional method. It's not even debatable. You guys coming in here and saying, but it's not perfect, doesn't change that. It's MORE realistic.. and accurate... no matter how you slice it. Also, still shots don't accurately reflect how light acts and reacts when other lighting and objects interact with it... Fake lighting stays static and changes from object to object... modeled lighting reac
  8. The game is viewed through a camera as well
  9. From those two pics, one is more accurate than the other from an actual perspective of how light works. I never said it was perfect. Real light rays bounce infinite amounts of times off all surfaces. Of course multiple bounces will brighten up more surfaces because it's receiving more light.... most surfaces in Metro only receive 1 light bounce. Yea, a paltry amount... yet still infinitely more accurate than the abomination that is the other pic.
  10. As godly as Tech Jesus is, he's wrong about that. It always looks better. Traditional lighting can look good, and even close at some point... and then completely garbage at others. Ray-tracing is consistent in that it follows the same lighting model for everything. So everything is accurate, an things are much more grounded in the world... ala the pictures I posted above where traditional lighting completely falls apart.
  11. Eh, the technology is absolutely demanding as fuck. The fact that a $1300 can do real time ray tracing in a graphically top of the line game at all is actually insane if you want to know the truth. So I don't think it's pretty bad at all in that sense. If you want to argue that it's pretty bad that high end video cards are costing $1300 these days, then I'd have to agree with you.
  12. LMAO Jederpy Hey guys what does that sign say underneath Westport? It doesn't say anything... Wait look again.. Oh Monorail Station. Thankfully that texture was rendered at a high enough resolution that I could actually see it.
  13. Did you say "one game looks like it has actual textures" or did you say "the building in Astral Chain has noticeable textures and the building in CD3 doesn't" ???
  14. Guys.. I want you to look at this ONE SPECIFIC texture!! NO DON'T LOOK THERE, OR THERE, OR THERE EITHER!!! LOOK HERE! Fucking ridiculous Shot from digital foundry.. man, I can notice a lot of texture detail in that shot on the left that's blurred and not nearly as noticeable on the right. I mean, the sleeve for example. But even then.. I'm not retarded enough to say that the right side's textures are unnoticeable
  15. You're going to have a hard time convincing anyone that you're not legally blind after posting this
  16. Guys, look at MY screenshots and refute my claims... you can't use your OWN screenshots which support your own.. you have to use mine Literally the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard Jerry say
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