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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Maybe because topics change? Were you talking about how Astral looks better than Crackdown, or were you comparing metacritic scores of Crackdown to Travis Strikes Again? I guess maybe Jon should make a new thread every time he wants to ask a question of you... that way when you go in and respond by trying to handwave the question away, he can just claim you're changing the subject
  2. Astral Chain looks better than Crackdown 3 because Lemmings need an ugly game to look at once in a while, while Sheep need a decent one to look at once in a while.
  3. He never answers, no matter how simple you make them
  4. I don't think he has the heart to tell his teams that their games suck when they do. No problem telling Kamiya and Platinum Games though
  5. Let's see what I predicted eh? GS: 6/10 GN. 6.8 MC: 69 Acting like I predicted this game would be amazing... You're being a fucking clown right now... again as I said.. because you're butthurt. I get it.. talk your shit.. but don't be so fucking obnoxious with it.
  6. Yea, you're definitely pissed because I locked the political thread you bumped.. it's so fucking obvious If you want whining added to the thread, just let me know ok because out of everything listed, that's what you're doing the most of, McWhiner
  7. What is this the Official Crackdown 3 whining thread? The title doesn't say anything about whining about what people are saying in other threads. You want me to add that to the title for you?
  8. Another McButthurt post about Crackdown Dude ppm's are off the charts
  9. I'm not defending it.. are you retarded? I said I had fun playing the MP.. and I did. That doesn't change because the game reviewed bad. What you think I'm going to try and deny that I had fun playing it now that the scores are out? You wish you had that kind of power over me And no...that's not political talk.. that's me telling you why I think you're butt-hurt in THIS thread, I'm not discussing politics. Try again
  10. You can't stop thinking about it. I'd say you're the one that's stuck. You're also going to have a hard time convincing me that your obnoxious posting about me doesn't have anything to do with the fact that I merged that political thread you bumped trying to own Dynamite. You seem to be taking that pretty hard because you weren't this much of a dipshit before that.
  11. You're being really obnoxious today.
  12. They apparently have some issues, and the load times can be reaaaaally long, (4 min) on Xbox.. but other than that, they seem to be not too bad. Some freezes though, I'm pretty sure a couple reviewers mentioned.
  13. Did I say somewhere that this game would score well? How am I owned? Because I said the destruction was better than Red Faction and because I had fun playing the SP? LOLOL OWNED!!
  14. Thinking some number is gonna negate the fun I hate last weekend playing it.. nah, I'm not bitch-made like that That said, the game deserved an automatic 5/10 for not including a party system from day 1, I still can't believe that shit
  15. Yea, it wont be impressive until Sony does it.. then it's amazing!
  16. It's not. I can confirm 100% Crackdown 3's MP is more fun than anything in Red Fucktion
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