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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 4K screens from the PC version (Cows don't apply ) This game is insane visually. The motion blur is fucking top notch in this, and on the PC you can crank up something called shader rate with essentially gives it this really filmic pristine look.
  2. What odd wording indeed. Visual performance could mean things like minimizing noise or shimmering..other artifacts that were maybe cropping up in certain instances, maybe framepacing? Also could mean improvements to SS scaling when on 1080p sets or monitors.. stuff like that. Since the word visual is used, it's hard to believe that it's actually meaningfully improving game performance or framerates. It's very likely just how the Xbox interacts with certain 4K tv sets. Who knows? It would be pretty sweet of them if they actually did squeeze some extra performance out of the sys
  3. It actually could have been awesome.. but yea they missed the mark with it.
  4. It's essentially like this: Corridor area (like first 2) then emerge to "wide open" levels, which allow you to explore and do side missions, which can include exploring buildings and other tunnels and things like that. Then you get on the train, and it essentially serves as the base as you travel. When you stop, you're in another wide open area which has different levels and stuff like that. It's apparently a good mix of exploring and classic Metro gameplay. It's apparently quite interesting how they handle it. One of the issues John from DF had with it is that he l
  5. No. You fucker. NO. But yes... YES Sekiro will be GOTY
  6. I wouldn't even argue with that list breh, except RE2 Remake is a top tier RE game. Come the fuck on. It's the absolute best you could hope for from a modern day RE game right now. Capcom is on their way back. (I'd say they are back) but they need to hammer it home with a new IP or something.
  7. I can't wait for this! Animated movies
  8. Pretty sure that's a part of the plan. I'm sure that any digital game you've bought, you'll be able to stream to any device you own, as long as you are subscribed to the service. But no, it wouldn't mean a default generational win lmao. It would be a nice perk associated with the convenience of being subscribed to the service.
  9. More often than not they don't... what you're citing are called outliers. I'm not expecting 4 minute load times to be reduced any meaningful amount... you're still going to have shit load times. I'm also not expecting performance drops into the teens to be fixed into performance dips of 1-3 fps... Of course, for you.. whenever Xbox is concerned... anything is possible
  10. They have to train the network using specific resolutions yes. How the fuck else are they going to train a network to take X and make it Y if that's constantly changing? DLSS can be used at 1080p, 1440p, and 4K... all standard resolutions. Except here they are limiting the selectable resolutions based on what GPU you have. I'm really not sure why they have decided to put limitations on it like they have for this game though... The only thing I can think of is that at low resolutions on really high end GPUs, the performance improvement isn't worth it, considering the degradation
  11. It's not going to change dude...
  12. Interesting. Probably has something to do with supersampling.
  13. IGN Italy - 8.7/10 4Gamers - 7.5/10 Apparently PRO has massive fps drops in areas. @DynamiteCop! There was a day 1 patch for the Xbox One already released. People who got the game early said they downloaded it. So I wouldn't expect anything to change.
  14. It seems a lot of the mediocre scores are due to thinks like tech issues and really long load times becoming annoying.
  15. John from Digital Foundry But still.. I think the consoles are having serious issues. Another review said the X1X version had fps issues and some game breaking shit.
  16. Some are rolling in.. and some aren't particularly good... citing technical issues Ouch. Push Square - 6/10 COGconnected - 76/100 GameInformer - 8.75/10 ACG - Buy IGN - 8.5/10 Fandom - 8/10 Xbox Achievements - 85/100 PCMRace - 8.5/10 Bazicenter - 7.5 GamesRadar - 9/10 The Sixth Axis - 9/10 Gamespot - 8/10 Twinfinite - 8/10 Metro - 9/10
  17. Ok, this is kind of a clusterfuck First here's Nvidia's trailer: Yes, BF5 is playable at 4K Ultra settings at 60fps with Ray-tracing on Ultra and DLSS. However, judging from that video, there's a noticeable hit to IQ. It's obviously not as sharp as the native 4K side. That said, there's tons of high frequency detail in BF5 which can actually make the game look like a speckled mess at times. So in some ways it helps, but in other ways it's worse. That said, in a fast paced game like this, you're probably not as likely to notice.. and the extra F
  18. The game is one disappointment after another. The MP was wicked fun for me though.. which is why I was actually disappointed. Surprising since I wasn't expecting to like the MP at all. I'll forgive them though if they can get the MP party system going soon after launch. I guess I'll do the campaign in the mean time. So yea, I'm down for some co-op if any of yall are.
  19. There's been plenty of reports that Gamepass is doing well for MS. Of course doing well might not mean huge increases in revenue.. it can mean things like drawing awareness and interest to the brand, does well for them in marketing, it apparently has cause game purchases to increase due to being able to essentially try before you buy.. which is another success for them. And, as I've said before... it's successful in the fact that it helps them further their agenda of pushing for adoption of digital gaming and use of the digital store as well as planting the seed that subscription gaming migh
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