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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's dumb. Before the test, I had no real interest in playing CD3 MP.. Then the test came, and I played it and had a blast. It actually got be interested and excited to play the game. The time between the 2 tests on Sunday I was actually itching to play more. Of course, the test didn't have lobbies... I figured it was just because it was obviously a test meant to test the cloud tech at scale and match making connections. I was looking forward to playing the hell out of this next weekend with friends and some peeps from here... Then this news comes out the NEXT FUCKING DAY... a
  2. 5 years 4 delays 3 studios 2 separate game modes 1 colossal fuck up
  3. It's baffling and honestly has me pissed off because I really like the MP. Ugh
  4. This is the type of shit that gets MS the criticism they deserve. There's always a "but" with them. They can never just do something good without something bad to go along with it. To think, the game touting the impressive cloud destruction in their specific online multiplayer component of their 5v5 game doesn't have a fucking lobby system for you to play with your friends How embarrassing
  5. The hilarious thing is that you can actually co-op the campaign with friends
  6. You not caring doesn't excuse the fact that this shit is obligatory in 2019 MP games. You hold other companies to the same standards even though you don't play those systems at all... don't you? This is fucking garbage and hopefully MS gets the ridicule it deserves for this shit..
  7. Imagine if Sea of Thieves didn't have a party system at launch and you had to play with randoms.... There's no excusing this. I'd like to hear a fucking reason for it. So fucking pathetic. Lems can't even shit on Nintendo anymore after this colossal fuck up imo
  8. I'm almost considering saying fuck them just out of principle. It's 2019 Dynamite... you were a competitive MP gamer.. this is unacceptable. Considering this game has been delayed and MP is a big aspect of it... it's own mode in fact... It's pathetic. I'm honestly extremely disappointed right now.
  9. Yea it's pushin it.. I agree. The guy WAS apparently confirmed to work at Sony HQ though. The only thing that truly gives me pause is the memory bandwidth. It has to be DDR4+GDDR6 combined. It could be 864GB/s GDDR6 + 16GB/s DDR4 @ 4000mhz on a 32-bit bus. I really sincerely doubt that... so.. yea it's likely bullshit. Maybe Sony is getting some massive discounts on the GPU die since they're apparently in close partnership in developing NAVI with AMD? lol
  10. @DynamiteCop! @Jon2B There goes a large amount of interest I had in playing the game. Wanted to play with you guys How the FUCK do you launch a game in 2019 with an ONLINE SPECIFIC GAME MODE which doesn't support parties?
  11. The interposer is included with the memory cost, as well as packaging and materials. They're not paying $320 per card for HBM2 either... That is again based on a specific unit count. You're fucking delusional if you think that's how it works. Those figures are based on a specific quantity... that no manufacturer is paying. They are probably getting at least 30-40% discount... maybe even more depending on volume. And again, yields and other premiums apply and change the equation.
  12. Yes.. HBM2 is WAY more complex to integrate. The cost of the memory, the cost of the interposer silicon, yields, and there's the fact that companies charge premiums for top of the line products.. memory is no different. Memory manufacturers charge more for high end products. HBM2 is still the highest end product for specific markets. Are you trying to act like they are comparable at all? There's also the fact that we're again talking about 10s to 100s of thousands of units vs MILLIONS of units. Come the FUCK on
  13. You have no clue.. and you're mad as fuck. Chill breh
  14. Yea, you said "this is what it costs" then after lynux posted, you're saying.. "ok, this is what it would cost"... and you're basing it off of the wholesale price... which manufacturers of products on this scale don't fucking pay. 10% off for millions of units? Sure
  15. LOL First you were at $500+... then you were $300+... and now you're still trying to say it's 70% cost surplus over GDDR5, while still not taking into consideration that your numbers have ALL been based off of cost per 2000 units... which doesn't hold true for purchases in the millions of units. You're fucking delusional. Yes... the chips are more expensive than GDDR5.. no shit. Yes... RAM is a significant portion of the cost of the system... No... it is not as expensive as you were trying to make it out to be. Now chill the fuck out And don't get me wrong... I'm not s
  16. Oh and look the article Dyno sourced was based on bad info LOL
  17. No.. it doesn't. Congrats... you did basic math to figure out cost per GB.... for a single GPU. You're completely glossing over the fact that GPU manufacturers don't pay full price per chip... they purchase in bulk. 2000 units is the absolute minimum, and that is the price per 2000 units. Buying 1 million or 2-3 million is going to be significantly cheaper. Stop being completely fucking stupid, please.
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