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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm not going to be wrong with the resolution. I never said anything about the resolution... I said the FPS wont be 60 at 4K. Certainly not locked. The DMC5 demo already shows it's shortcomings on the X1X pushing a native 4K. We have cutscenes dropping to the 30s ffs
  2. 30min game timed demos 2 weeks before launch REM, PLEASE CARE!!! IDIOTS
  3. Nobody has gotten a demo. Idiot. And no... the ONLY time that would matter whatsoever... is if you had nothing else to play.. Yep... it's just the lemfags who give a shit about a demo at this point
  4. Who even cares at this point? It would be a complete waste of time.
  5. Yes, hearing really stupid shit strikes the nerves of people who are smarter and know better. We BOTH knew you'd strike a nerve with me... you literally can't avoid it.. you're destined to say stupid shit and then try to back it up with more stupid shit You want to throw me for a loop... try not talking
  6. You thinking anyone cares what you think especially after your CPU IPC comments. You should be banned from ever talking about technology again RTX is the future
  7. Don't buy ANY fucking console right now. Don't buy a PRO and don't buy a Switch. If you're going to buy anything, buy a new TV.. then get a PS5 in the next year and a half or later. If you buy a PRO now... you will waste your money. If you buy a Switch now... you will waste your money. Both consoles will be replaced by better hardware quite soon enough. There, you've been told... now go do whatever the fuck you want.
  8. That the game will have a 60fps mode but not at 4K.
  9. Because it's ALL you do LOL Why the fuck WOULDN'T it bother me? I'm gonna start bringing it up all the time to you. In every thread.
  10. You have been... which is PRETTY MUCH EXCLUSIVELY what you do
  11. So why care? Are you incapable of talking about a game that doesn't release on Switch without mentioning... the Switch? I'm pretty sure you're compelled to because the Xbox version wont sell the best, and it wont look/run the best. So it's just sort of there... That leaves the only thing to talk about as the Switch version "not existing"
  12. Nah, it's more Switch this and Switch that these days.. Those bitches obviously can't keep with Switch out of their mouthes Nobody itt gave a shit until Shytre came in and had to say something... because he's so fucking salty about Switch
  13. "bu but we could mention hermi" No you can't bitchtre.
  14. Of course it's only the X-idiots that come in here ragging on Switch. How perpetually butthurt must you be to drag that shit into every thread? When lems actually get a fucking game they ALWAYS have to scream about it and laugh at the sheep... whereas the cows and herms never give a single fuck
  15. @Bodycount N He cleaned out the dust from his PC today. I'm sure his Xbox is still sitting under an inch thick layer from not having been used almost all gen though
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