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Everything posted by Remij

  1. PS4 version Switch version (taken from youtube remember... compression artifacts) Textures definitely have taken a decent hit, as well as the lighting, but still very impressive. Will look incredible undocked imo.
  2. Hopefully more of them start coming and get re-released. You'd like DQ8 as well.
  3. I was going to make that very fucking joke.. telling Kokujin to not watch because some game scenes are spoiled
  4. In the west it does. It's just the Japanese version that doesn't. Also, the woman who plays Veronica is cute as fuck
  5. Damn, I just saw the trailer... it looks REALLY good on Switch. Textures and LODs cut back... but not enough for anyone to give a shit. Pretty much the exact same as PS4/PC Good shit.
  6. Someone wears his VR helmet is a little too tight I think Take it off and come back to the real world you fucking lunatic..
  7. Stupid Cows... your best games are best on PC. No need for Playstation - Lemmings Dumb Lemmings, your best games are best on PC. No need for Xbox - Cows Emulation doesn't count - Sheep - Hermits
  8. PC can't run? ROFL... this idiot. Zelda BOTW is by far best on PC... Bayo 1 and 2 are best on PC... Fuck.. even the Switch emulator is coming along faster than ever. Octopath and Mario Odyssey are coming along nicely. Basically... you picked THE WORST console to escape from PC getting it's exclusives... because Nintendo consoles ALWAYS get emulated. Same with Playstation... No classic mini console needed The PS3 emulator is coming along nicely as well. Everyday some nerds are determined to make your consoles unnecessary for the Hermlords... Thanks for the games, cunt.
  9. Steam Sales are anywhere from 50K - 100K, which is pretty good for 1 week and a game with as little marketing as this. I'm sure it did pretty big numbers on Switch though. What do you guys think it sold on Switch? If you haven't bought or played it yet, I suggest you do. It's a beautiful game.
  10. Your GOTG isn't even ON Xbox In response to DQ11 Fatality
  11. God of War + RDR2 1440p >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RDR2 4K Celeste >>> both
  12. Catherine and Persona 5 on the Epic Games Store. Seems right.
  13. Oh... it's Game of the Year on Xbox One consoles.. for sure. Nobody is arguing that
  14. Nah, I calmed down a bit. I'll send you errrything tomorrow on Steam.
  15. On a tie, the user ratings decide... and sorry to break it to you, but according to GameSpot, God of War is the better game
  16. Stop giving him attention and he'll stop lmao Again, he hasn't spoiled anything drastic. He's barely halfway through the game.. he doesn't even know who the actual final boss is yet... CHILL
  17. Tomorrow it's going to be down... because everyone will be playing Atlas
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