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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nah, you just post stupid shit most of the time. That's a fact.
  2. I played over 30h in the alphas and probably 40h or so in the full game. I've played plenty. Waiting for a good amount of new content and will play again..when I feel like it. Doesn't change the fact that it's a fucking awesome game. If the game would have had more content at launch, it would have been a completely different story. The core game is so fucking good. The sailing is perfect and the aesthetic of the game is perfect. It's also sold well and done very well for itself.
  3. I'm not. You just post like a retard. Straight up. You think you're being clever or funny but you aren't. You're like a quasi-Jimbo.. but aren't quite as committed as he is. You think you're on some other level than the rest of us. bu but mah perfekt engrish and Maffs リラックス man
  4. Relax man. Your game isn't ruined. And how would you know he's in the latter half of the story? Sounds like you've been doing your own digging And yes, half the time I don't understand what the fuck you are saying.
  5. Yea. This is all very weird. We'll just have to wait and see. It'll likely be a while before anything is announced anyway, as I don't see this releasing day and date with the PS4 version.
  6. Ok, well, in the future, if we're gonna talk specifics about a game, such as certain events and character arcs, let's just throw them in spoiler tags regardless from now on please.
  7. Actually, what if Sony's policies regarding censorship caused them to have to make changes and so they are simply re-releasing the original on the other platforms to try to reduce the damages they expect?
  8. What do you care? You're getting the new version with extras. lol But it is fucked up. PS4 will have Full Body... PC will apparently have the original, and Xbox One would have the original through BC, and then this port?? LOL Watevs, just gimme Catherine
  9. I doubt it. Sega Europe is listed as the applicant on the Australian Ratings page.. that pretty much means an actual PC port.
  10. I know. It doesn't make any sense at all... but the Australia rating lists it as Catherine Classic.
  11. It first showed up on the Australian ratings board as "Catherine Classic" and was listed as multiplatform. But now there's an ESRB listing and it shows PC and Xbox One now, alongside PS3 and X360. http://www.esrb.org/ratings/Synopsis.aspx?Certificate=31215&Title=Catherine I'm happy as fuck about this anyway.. I loved Catherine. Weird though that they wouldn't just bring Full Body to PC and XO. I guess they have exclusivity with Sony and this was a way to get around that?
  12. LMAO console games with budgets in the hundreds of millions and PC and Switch trashes them with 1-bit and 16-bit graphics PC
  13. What did Jon say? Put it in spoilers just so there's no bitching. I'm inclined to agree with you that he didn't really spoil much of anything... but I don't know what the Derp Derp post said originally. Regardless, I think 5 days is a little too much @Teh_Diplomat ... If anyone could make sense of Kokujin's posts they could probably argue that he's "spoiled" some of the game.. and I have as well. So I'd like to know what was said more or less so we could maybe come to some agreement about this. Since Ramza and I have both finished the game, and Twinblade, we'd be th
  14. So someone released an image of a REmake background enhanced using a type of AI upscaling. Of course there are multiple algorithms and things aren't perfect.. but the increase in detail and sharpness is undeniable. For fun I took a pic of the same background in-game and wanted to see how they compared. There's slight color differences because I think the person who made the upscale would have taken the actual file and processed it, so that's what the background looks like before the color filtering and bloom and effects are added to it. http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison
  15. Yea, I'm happy you're happy. "Thus giving more" You have to realize that everyone values things differently... but something being objectively better.. means it's objectively better. DQ11 on Jon's PC is objectively better than your PS4... as will be any game he plays that are on both systems. You don't care? That's great... but it's a fact. Bu but I paid less ROFL Also, his PC does a fuck load more than you PS4 will ever do... and there's literally 100 games that released on PC during this conversation... so I doubt PS4 has
  16. You're not paying less and getting more... you're paying less and getting less. Idiot. Better = Better... Nobody gives a shit that you rationalize being happy with less simply because you paid less for it. Congrats.. you didn't waste money on a Gaming PC... you wasted it in some other fashion you drugged out disgruntled depressed diner master chef Fuck you Ramza
  17. The "cost efficiency" damage control Better = Better We're not kids waiting for our parents to buy us games or consoles anymore.
  18. I knew that... but I figured people wouldn't care. I've been watching the Dev Diaries so I knew that he was in it
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