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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 9/10 Same wheel as I got. Not the best, but serviceable.
  2. Nah. As time goes on... they'll realize they have to trim the fat. I'm pretty sure at this point a PS4/XO version isn't even up and running. The change from current to next gen only is coming. I don't go back on my bets. All I'm saying is that if it DOES release on current gen consoles... it's going to be WEAK. Remij
  3. Well, I did say that CP2077 could in fact come to current gen consoles, if they butcher it enough to want to make it happen. Truth is... while still great, the extended gameplay demo wasn't super crazy like they built it up to be. My whole thing was that it's still extremely early and since they clearly have an agenda of making a truly impressive open world that stands above the rest, that they would eventually realize that in order to achieve that goal, they'd have to trim the current gen console fat. I stand by that... however I'm now less certain that their ambition is that much higher t
  4. So it looks like modders are starting to take notice of this stuff and are going to town with it. A new DOOM sprite/texture mod is in the works using Neural Network upsampling to create higher res sprites and textures from the old assets. It essentially keeps the old art style intact (which is usually a problem with "hi res" texture pack mods) and requires very little (in comparison) manual work to fix alpha channels and slight oddities. It's much faster than redrawing all the sprites manually.. and more accurate to the original. It's kind of ridiculous... but man i
  5. To be with my family Christmas Eve and Day playing board games and having a few drinks and just having fun. Hopefully everything is good weather-wise as we have to travel a few hours, but yea.
  6. That's a good point. With GamePass and all these other initiatives and revenue streams, they could price them both more competitively and take some losses on the hardware itself to wrestle back a decent amount of market share from Sony during the transition. If there was a play to make, that would be the time to do it. I think in general, people are quite receptive to what MS is doing even as Playstation owners. They see some of that stuff and they want a Sony version of it. If MS has a powerful as fuck console at launch, with all these services and financing options, as well as a killer
  7. IF this turns out to be true with multiple tiered SKUs at launch which are different in power, then expect the high end box to probably cost $600-$700... where the low end SKU will cost $400-500. The reason I say this is because if MS is going to go all in on a powerful box at launch and not really leave themselves any room to release something substantially better within 3 years (which they wont...) then it's going to cost a lot of money up front. I was thinking that Sony might be real conservative with the PS5 specs to allow themselves that "year 3 upgrade". MS could catch the
  8. Yea it's crazy stacked. I can't wait for RE2, Metro, DMC5, and Sekiro
  9. I just started this game. Fuck YES. I love this game. I love that it has these mechanics but is also simple. I'm not far in at all so I can't say how difficult it becomes to manage in the future but I love that it just lets you explore and gives you no direction. It's beautiful. The ambiance is awesome. The intro was long but I love how it built up the feeling of isolation. @DynamiteCop! I'm about 45 min in as well. Found a few secrets and also a shortcut across that bridge in the cave right at the start beside the fire pit/camp. I've got quite a bit of inventory and resources built u
  10. It's so weird that Twinblade can edit/delete peoples posts but he isn't a mod
  11. I played DQXI for over 2 months.. It's an easy game to get back to while playing other bite sized games. Next up is Below... I think. I still haven't bought it yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna grab it soon. I hear some people complaining about certain aspects, but it looks up my alley.
  12. I got over 3h on my clock as well, though it's likely closer to 4h. First of all. WOW. Seriously, it's one of the most beautiful games of the generation. The art and design are simply STUNNING. I think I actually liked each level more than the previous. It just kept getting better and better for me. The music.. is simply PERFECT for this game. Just brilliant stuff all around. So this game has the looks, it has the sounds... but what about the gameplay? Well, here's where I was surprised. Because I honestly expected this to be dead simple. And.... it
  13. Spoilerz for Alligator boss... you've been warned (off screen shit quality tumbler sized video, 11 sec long with shitty music overtop, but still.. the first real look at the Alligator)
  14. Yea, you have until Jan 15th. Of course, you have to be selected by Google to participate, which isn't guaranteed.
  15. The tldr version from Dusk Golem: I've highlighted some points that I think are interesting.. First is the confirmation that HUNK and Tofu have their own respective modes again. People weren't sure what they were going to do with them and we know now that they are included. Then there's the "final scene" which is fucking AWESOME. Glad they decided to do something like this that requires a playthrough of both characters to see the full story. Then they mention that additional modes past HUNK and Tofu are undecided... I'm pretty sure they are going to have a
  16. Lucky for you she had no issues to get lost when you wanted her to
  17. ^ I Just saw that you have to put 1 hour into testing the game. So not sure if you've met that requirement yet, but you have until January 15th anyway. Also you get $10 in in-game currency. Turns out I'm not that lazy
  18. You'll get the game added to your Uplay client and progress will carry over so you can just continue playing the game. That's pretty cool of them. I think @jehurey got in, so if you tested that shit out and didn't have the game... you do now. I think you also get some of the in-game currency as well, but I'm to lazy to confirm that right now. ~~
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