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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I got over 3h on my clock as well, though it's likely closer to 4h. First of all. WOW. Seriously, it's one of the most beautiful games of the generation. The art and design are simply STUNNING. I think I actually liked each level more than the previous. It just kept getting better and better for me. The music.. is simply PERFECT for this game. Just brilliant stuff all around. So this game has the looks, it has the sounds... but what about the gameplay? Well, here's where I was surprised. Because I honestly expected this to be dead simple. And.... it
  2. Spoilerz for Alligator boss... you've been warned (off screen shit quality tumbler sized video, 11 sec long with shitty music overtop, but still.. the first real look at the Alligator)
  3. Yea, you have until Jan 15th. Of course, you have to be selected by Google to participate, which isn't guaranteed.
  4. The tldr version from Dusk Golem: I've highlighted some points that I think are interesting.. First is the confirmation that HUNK and Tofu have their own respective modes again. People weren't sure what they were going to do with them and we know now that they are included. Then there's the "final scene" which is fucking AWESOME. Glad they decided to do something like this that requires a playthrough of both characters to see the full story. Then they mention that additional modes past HUNK and Tofu are undecided... I'm pretty sure they are going to have a
  5. Lucky for you she had no issues to get lost when you wanted her to
  6. ^ I Just saw that you have to put 1 hour into testing the game. So not sure if you've met that requirement yet, but you have until January 15th anyway. Also you get $10 in in-game currency. Turns out I'm not that lazy
  7. You'll get the game added to your Uplay client and progress will carry over so you can just continue playing the game. That's pretty cool of them. I think @jehurey got in, so if you tested that shit out and didn't have the game... you do now. I think you also get some of the in-game currency as well, but I'm to lazy to confirm that right now. ~~
  8. It does if you want it to. Instead, give yourself more of a challenge and put everyone's tactics to "follow orders". You'll get points of challenges in the future. I don't even know where you are but certain bosses will probably destroy you, and there's end game stuff that will make you rethink your life. "Dungeons" were one of my problems with the game. They weren't really expansive or that interesting visually for the most part. They were platform connected to platform, or caves with basic tunnels connecting basic rooms together. Not the greatest, but as you said, they have
  9. Xbox did give everything they had.. Xbox hasn't had a quarter as good as that in ages. They also made the console as cheap as possible... The fact that Nintendo sold more at a much higher price shows that their games matter. Never underestimate those fuckers is all I'm saying. That's not luck... they strategically planned this entire last quarter of the year. Each game is selling better than the last, and they're moving tons and tons of units. Give them props.
  10. I'm sure a lot of people waited until Black Friday to pick up theirs. OBVIOUSLY they did by the amount of sales Xbox had the month of November. Again, RDR2 released at the end of the month.. word of Xbox having the superior version would have hit hardest in the beginning of November with Black Friday hardware sales finishing off the month. You're saying a MK8 bundle (An old WiiU game) and Smash were able to beat RED DEAD 2, and cheaper hardware? Well.. it's true. Nintendo didn't get lucky... they know what their fans want.. and you constantly underestimate
  11. What does that matter? We're talking about it's price and sales in relation to the Switch. It was the cheapest Xbox has ever been piggybacked by what is likely the biggest or next to the biggest console game release of the gen. Did a Mario Kart 8 bundle really negate Rockstar's only game released specifically for current gen, and the highest rated game... which has been out for an entire month while Xbox consoles selling at their cheapest? If that's the case... why do you always bet against Nintendo?
  12. Pic stolen from ResetERA Now obviously this would be a great thing for gamers and 3rd party publishers to be able to take advantage of for their multiplat games in the normal cross-play sense.. However, more than just cross-play though, we could be seeing a more meaningful Xbox API integration into Steam with the potential for more Xbox games to release on Steam in the future. If MS and Steam work out a way in which the Xbox ecosystem can coincide with Steamworks for Xbox games, players could buy from either store and play with friends from either store while earning
  13. Was there a patch that improved the input lag or something?
  14. So, I've been playing this a bit this morning. It's absolutely beautiful. The art reminds me of Amanita Design games like Machinarium. The music and ambiance is perfect as well. It's not all rosy though. Sometimes it's painfully slow moving. There's not a whole huge amount to explore (at least not yet) but imo, I'm kinda deterred from exploring because the character doesn't move fast at all.. and usually when you go off the path, it's a dead end with nothing worth the time it took to get there. Of course, this is just my opinion and I'm only an hour or so in. I just got a n
  15. Wasn't Xbox dirt cheap... and didn't they give away RDR2?
  16. I did. Now shut the fuck up about other games
  17. Yea it sounds pretty likely that both of these games will also release on Steam at some point.
  18. This thread is about GRIS... not Ashen or Mutan. Talk about GRIS or I'm locking this shis
  19. It's an awesome game. Always was, and it's better now. Fuck the ignorant haters Oh, and it's got over 20K viewers right now... RDR2 on the other hand Sea of Gods @DynamiteCop! It's been a long as time since I've played it, and there's a lot of new shit that I know about but don't really know how it all works yet, but I'm gonna hop back in one of these weeks as well.
  20. You guys are so dumb The big stores like Steam have contingency plans in place... if Steam were to ever "go down"... it would be sold off... not shut off. Valve already stated even if that wasn't the case and the worst was to happen, we wont lose our games. Other stores have the same contingency in place. It's funny how you talk like this is some PC specific problem. Durr... what happens if Sony went bankrupt and Playstation shut down? I hope MORE stores come... It's absolutely NOT out of control. There's Steam... and there's Epic. Those are the two MAIN cont
  21. You're probably right. Still though... Bring back the Official Nintendo Seal of Quality Nintendo
  22. Damn, I wasn't really able to start this tonight like I had planned. I did start it up and basically got to the RED part.. about 15min in and decided that I'm going to just wait till tomorrow. The music is fucking incredible... and the visuals What a gorgeous style! Tomorrow night we're gonna one shot this game
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