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Everything posted by Remij

  1. kk. Yea I was gonna message you at some point soon.
  2. ^for real. You gotta give it up. It's worth the price.
  3. That's cool. People in general will never get hyped over shit like this. People in general don't know what checkerboard rendering and temporal injection is/does either. It's not about whether people who don't care know about the tech... it's that they see their games look pretty much the same, or very slightly better or worse, and their FPS jump up. Regardless of what anyone thinks.. the more technologies like this that exist the better. I fully 100% expect consoles to have some kind of DL neural network that devs can use to train their games. It'll gain traction, o
  4. Yea, this is also on Game Pass. It's basically out on everything.
  5. It is on the fly though. The tensor cores are actively super sampling the image based on information from the previous frame among other things. It's not, and never was, a driver level setting. The game needs to be set up to process motion vector data to the tensor cores. They also need to provide Nvidia with images to train the network for that particular game. How many jokes were made about these cards releasing and nothing supporting "DLSS or RTX" here? If it was a driver level feature you wouldn't be needing games to support it. And how many responses to smartass remarks
  6. Those ray-traced reflections in that trailer
  7. Proof that you haven't been paying attention to anything while acting like you know everything. That said, I don't believe that you didn't already know that. I'm pretty sure you're just looking for a different way to hate on it. I could be wrong... but then that just leaves you with looking ignorant.
  8. Yea, but they weren't. Watch it, I heard your moms still looking to sell...
  9. His mom has exclusive publishing rights
  10. One of the developers from Satisfactory made a video answering questions about their decision to move to the Epic store. So the Epic store is completely DRM free (up to devs) and after you download Satisfactory, you don't even need the launcher to play the game, unless you want to play online with the multiplayer features, then you have to sign in obviously. I've heard it was the same with other games that are on the store.
  11. Haha, well, I'm pretty sure hundreds of millions of people are testing their multiplayer features right now with Fortnite. But you're absolutely right about them having to slowly roll it out and make sure things are good instead of throwing everything to everyone at once. They know that the game against Steam is a long one... It's going to take time for people to come around.. and if Steam offered all this shit day one and it was all broke.. that would be worse than currently not having the feature, imo. And yea, I'm pretty sure they'll be giving the Unreal games as w
  12. Basically you just quoted GD and didn't write anything yourself, so it shows nothing. He was simply quoting you and GD.. so he think's it's gorgeous and will be getting it.
  13. Jesus, that's another one for PC and Switch. Within days of each other
  14. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/epic-2019-cross-platform-online-services-roadmap?utm_campaign=Oktopost-2018-12+General+Campaign&utm_content=Oktopost-twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter They're going all in. I wonder how Steam is going to react? One could argue that Epic should have waited a bit longer to announce the Store until they had some of this up and running, but nobody is being forced to use it yet. Anyway, this has been a long time coming for Valve.. hopefully they make some changes and improve their client
  15. lmao.. dumb how they are comparing it to the 1080Ti when it should be the 2080Ti on vs off.. but I guess I can make that comparison on my own. They obviously just want to make the 2080Ti look as good as possible over the 1080Ti. But the difference is huge.
  16. The Switch Pro controller has digital trigger (aka shoulder) buttons and it's the best controller.. so
  17. AAA games on the regular Best in every class Living the dream
  18. Canada comes to its senses https://globalnews.ca/news/4751493/baby-its-cold-outside-returns/?utm_medium=Facebook&utm_source=GlobalWinnipeg&fbclid=IwAR0909_upwOWgekYfadAUSdt4JKttpg6nxofWRX8_EyZYQ33L0TCr2shIpI
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