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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, but Jon was always a bit more open to the idea of playing whatever wasn't on Xbox on PC.. BC hated the fuck out of PC
  2. Eh.. that's like saying Switch is a place we WOULD expect because it's more like a mobile device.. Could be either or.. or both.
  3. Cool. Epic released a statement, and yea, it appears they simply didn't want to keep supporting the games on mobile. Apparently mobile OS updates would break the games causing them to have to go back and fix them. It wasn't worth the hassle anymore I guess, now that they got that Fortnite money. https://www.epicgames.com/infinityblade/en-US/news/infinity-blade-trilogy-says-goodbye Right at the end of the statement, they say "As we bid farewell, be sure to keep your eyes peeled! You may find Infinity Blade popping up in places you wouldn’t expect." So yea, that prett
  4. Presumably they are either tired of Mobile development, or they are going to bring the to the Epic store and release them on PC, or maybe even develop a fully fledged Infinity Blade title for PC.
  5. Gamespot had a thread with only 3 pages. Definitely a failure
  6. You sure responded right on fucking cue though
  7. These clowns 4K medium/low settings 25fps Look look! Rem! Hey REM! Look..... please!
  8. Kameo 2 would be fucking amazing, so would a RR2. Yea, I'm not sure. It could be a few things at this point. They are all possible. Whatever, I'm down for more games and devs getting more chances to build upon current IP
  9. Well, Remedy is confirmed to have a 3rd game they are currently working on. 2020 before we see or hear anything about it could mean QB2. It's not that much of a stretch. Maybe MS is feeling emboldened with Gamepass now to give it another shot?
  10. Klobrille- "A beloved Xbox IP game you have probably played in the last 4 years or so will get its bold second title in next-gen. The successor is deep in development and I expect you will hear about it around 2020." Killer Instinct XO is the first MS KI.... It could be Quantum Break... but nah, it's not what anyone would consider as beloved. KI is a beloved franchise. A KI sequel isn't something I would consider "bold" though... so hmm.. yea it could be QB
  11. They are a touchy bunch. I got a warning btw. lmao Still surprised I wasn't banned. I just wonder if the other guys I was arguing with got a warning too, or whether they both just reported me.
  12. Valve is the darling in the eyes of many people... including myself. I'd let them get away with a decent amount of shit before I'd actually care... because they've done a lot of good as well. But you can bet your ass that Valve doesn't do shady shit because they haven't had a need to do shady shit in the PC sector. A company like Epic has to bully their way in or else everyone will just keep using what they've been using for the past 15 years.. which is Steam. You're right that Steam badly needs actual competition that isn't willing to just be a push over and allow whatever shit on their s
  13. The idiots on ERA are losing their minds over this. Epic is DIRTY for wanting to build up their store and curate good games only, and paying for them to be exclusive, and the devs are sleazebags who wont admit that they are doing it because they are greedy! While they were whining about those 4 games, 300 games came out on Steam which nobody cares about and will fail.
  14. Oh shit yea.. Killer Instinct I bet that's what it is. SSOD isn't a MS IP and Quantum Break isn't beloved in any sense. It's Killer Instinct.
  15. Yea I literally just started. I finished the catacombs and am in the Bamboo area. I barely have any of the abilities at all, but I just love the spritework and the humor and music. The controls are perfectly responsive, and the wall climbing/jumping feels great. Everything is great.
  16. I started this today as well. I love it. I fucking LOVE these kinds of games.
  17. No. And shut up about the VMU ffs.. you sound dumb as fuck trying to tout that as a feature that means any god damn thing. GC is better... doesn't have missing sounds.. has the proper color... and controls better. Those are facts. And DF agrees
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