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Everything posted by Remij

  1. If I did that, I'd buy the Gamecube version. It's factually better than the DC version. I don't care about that though.. I care about the best possible way to play the game as it stands today. GC >>> DC , DF agrees man, sorry
  2. Well, gamers don't care about what's official... they care about what is the best way to currently play a game. And that is in fact the PC version with the mod. Then after that, comes the Gamecube version. I mean, your boy at DF even says as much You're DONE
  3. Yes you can... wtf Missing audio, ugly red tint... having to use the god awful DC controller... The PC version shits on that version graphically, shits on it CG cutscene-wise, shits on it control-wise, sound-wise. Everything. The GC version also shits on that version. The gig is up Dynamite.. DC is 3rd place.
  4. lmao adjusting the tint on your TV Gamecube is better. The only thing DC has over GC was the CG cutscenes... which, nobody cares about. The DC has missing audio in places The PC version IS fucked without 3rd party fixes... but those fixes exist and is as simple as dropping a single file into the game folder. It's the best version. No TV tint adjusting required.. best CG cutscene quality, highest resolution.. no audio missing. GC version and/or Classic Rebirth and/or GC version emulated on PC
  5. Gotta be Sunset 2. Though I would love QB2 as well.. I agree with Madmaltese that the "beloved" wording seems to point more to SSOD than QB2.
  6. Gamecube is better. LMAO at the red tint. Also, the PC version is far better DF agrees Gamecube and PC are FAR better.
  7. It feels ergonomically perfect... until you've felt a Nintendo Switch Pro controller, which just feels leagues better. The Elite refines the standard controller and as a perfect feel and heft to it, but the build quality leaves something to be desired for the price. The rubber padding peels off after med-hard use for a while. But it's certainly a great controller, with that I agree. Just not ergonomically the best feeling, and not the most satisfying to use.
  8. PC Sourcenext Classic Rebirth is fucking amazing The guy is doing RE1 on the PC as well.
  9. @Jon2B So a couple of the guys I was arguing with in that thread went to the Official PC Gaming thread and were making offhanded remarks about it.. obviously referring to me.. so then I defend myself.. and the guys say "Now I'm not going to continue this, because PCera is the one place on this website which is actually somewhat safe from complete lunacy. I have no intention of filling this thread up with it as well." and the other says "Seriously, fuck off out of here with this shit." when they were the idiots that brought up the other thread in the PC Gaming thread, causing me to respond.
  10. They have the best features, and the best community features. By far the most support.. but they have their share of problems though.. They start shit, and rarely finish it. They definitely are content to just move at their own slow ass pace because nobody's rising up to challenge them. They have the support because of the size of their community.. not what they are doing to actively foster and court developers to support their platform specifically. Like I said, the fanboy in me 2-3 years ago would have been annoyed and pissed at this simply because I wanted everything on Steam
  11. It's straight up stupid. You put in the info, and it's done. Shit automatically logs in. Not a big deal at all.
  12. Again, you're giving all this shit to devs of these games regardless. That's modern service based gaming. This isn't some revelation because Epic launched a store. Which I might add they already had a client and store with Fortnite.. which you've said nothing about before... Basically all that changed between when you were fine with it and now is that Epic decided to release some more games....
  13. Yep. They are fucking hypocrites. I've always said that Valve should be buying up some exclusive games and partnering with studios to prop them up. But they just automate every thing and aren't building lasting relationships with publishers/devs, so they are splitting when other stores offer them some incentive. What the fuck do I care? All of these clients function on my Windows PC. If I'm not happy with the price of a game.. I wait until it lowers to what I think is acceptable. Those idiots acting like they are deserved every game on every platform to make their
  14. Then kindly stick to your preferred platforms and play the games that release there.... Not a big fucking deal at all. If you're too bewildered by a different icon to click on, then stick to your lane. It's only as complicated as you want to make it. lmao people's tolerance.. These idiots advocating an open platform... hating on anything that isn't Steam. It's fucking STUPID. And as I told them... they are the ones miserable. It's not my fucking problem.
  15. I've posted in that very thread.. This is just ResetERA is throwing a tissy. Nothing to see here. Do you think I was expecting them to act any other way regarding this?
  16. No value was lost that day...
  17. Yea I echo the same thoughts. I just finished playing for a bit. Got to the 2nd expedition which wouldn't launch for me for some reason. Something about that it couldn't matchmake at my difficulty level. I like the movement and flight mechanics. Little weird immediately at first, but quickly 2nd nature. @Teh_Diplomat maybe the reason for your drifting is due to the aim assist?? Are you using a controller? I'm not sure I'll like collecting orbs and shit, and then having some scene happen, and then more shit gets scattered around the same area to collect though... so
  18. I have a few games.. probably around 20-30. Crysis 1,2,3 Mass Effect 1,2,3 Dead Space 1,2,3 Dragon Age 1,2,3 Plants Vs Zombies GW 1,2 Mirror Edge 1, Catalyst Titanfall Alice Battlefield 4 Unravel Couple Need for Speed games some others smaller games A decent little list. Nothing I couldn't rebuild back for pretty cheap though.
  19. I wasn't even able to get into the server. Kept getting a matchmaking error. I'll try again at 2.
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