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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No value was lost that day...
  2. Yea I echo the same thoughts. I just finished playing for a bit. Got to the 2nd expedition which wouldn't launch for me for some reason. Something about that it couldn't matchmake at my difficulty level. I like the movement and flight mechanics. Little weird immediately at first, but quickly 2nd nature. @Teh_Diplomat maybe the reason for your drifting is due to the aim assist?? Are you using a controller? I'm not sure I'll like collecting orbs and shit, and then having some scene happen, and then more shit gets scattered around the same area to collect though... so
  3. I have a few games.. probably around 20-30. Crysis 1,2,3 Mass Effect 1,2,3 Dead Space 1,2,3 Dragon Age 1,2,3 Plants Vs Zombies GW 1,2 Mirror Edge 1, Catalyst Titanfall Alice Battlefield 4 Unravel Couple Need for Speed games some others smaller games A decent little list. Nothing I couldn't rebuild back for pretty cheap though.
  4. I wasn't even able to get into the server. Kept getting a matchmaking error. I'll try again at 2.
  5. It's right there in the NDA... I love how Origin just immediately crashes Some people are just stupid. I wonder how many games he had on his account?
  6. Right. Good or bad... the rule of thumb is that all Xbox games will be on PC. The console it literally worthless to anyone with a low-mid ranged PC or better. Thanks Phil
  7. An Xbox fanboy talking to me about games You're hyping up Studio logos ffs
  8. And it means nothing. RE3 is RE3 and Code Veronica is CV... So glad that RE3 is getting remade first and not CV. I love being right
  9. They posted the full demo video. Looks awesome. These kinds of reflections and shadows and lighting are going to make a HUGE difference in upcoming games. It's important to keep in mind that UL Benchmarks (Futuremark) are a very small group with a limited budget, and the idea isn't to make a fancy tech demo.. but to benchmark GFX cards which support DXR. So we can expect far better from actual game studios. Also these guys will likely release an Ultra and Extreme updates which will bump the resolution and add more ray traced effects.] Bring o
  10. Purely speculation because of the Smash thing. Of course it would make sense. Atlus were asking people about potential Switch and PC ports for Persona games... So there's a shred of possibility. We'll just have to wait and see.
  11. That's like... your opinion, man. And who the fuck cares that it's 2x as long and rated better... ROFL.. you think that has any bearing on them REMAKING the series? That's like me saying "RE3 sold more than Code Veronica" so they should do that one next... RE3 makes the most sense by far to do next (as I've told you before) and it IS in fact what they are doing. Then after RE3 I bet they do Dino Crisis... which means that CV will be quite a ways away. If they even decide to do it at all
  12. Nah.. I disagree completely... and again... because I've said this before... REMAKES allow for games to be completely altered. Who knows what they'd have in store for RE3make? They could completely expand areas and have entirely new things. So saying... durr it should be $30 DLC is just stupid.
  13. Fuck off. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. RE3 is a full fucking game.. and it shits on Code Veronica.
  14. Why would you doubt this is a thing? Dude, if Dusk Golem is saying it... it's pretty much confirmed. RE3 being the next one makes perfect sense. There's a lot of assets they can re-purpose.. It takes place before and after the events of RE2, which means that the entire story was probably laid out when they devided to make RE2.. and they can keep it nice and consistent. Not to mention, they've been working on this "Jack" and "Mr. X" AI which they seem to love, so Nemesis is the natural evolution of that. It's coming. Guaranteed to be announced this year I
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