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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's right there in the NDA... I love how Origin just immediately crashes Some people are just stupid. I wonder how many games he had on his account?
  2. Right. Good or bad... the rule of thumb is that all Xbox games will be on PC. The console it literally worthless to anyone with a low-mid ranged PC or better. Thanks Phil
  3. An Xbox fanboy talking to me about games You're hyping up Studio logos ffs
  4. And it means nothing. RE3 is RE3 and Code Veronica is CV... So glad that RE3 is getting remade first and not CV. I love being right
  5. They posted the full demo video. Looks awesome. These kinds of reflections and shadows and lighting are going to make a HUGE difference in upcoming games. It's important to keep in mind that UL Benchmarks (Futuremark) are a very small group with a limited budget, and the idea isn't to make a fancy tech demo.. but to benchmark GFX cards which support DXR. So we can expect far better from actual game studios. Also these guys will likely release an Ultra and Extreme updates which will bump the resolution and add more ray traced effects.] Bring o
  6. Purely speculation because of the Smash thing. Of course it would make sense. Atlus were asking people about potential Switch and PC ports for Persona games... So there's a shred of possibility. We'll just have to wait and see.
  7. That's like... your opinion, man. And who the fuck cares that it's 2x as long and rated better... ROFL.. you think that has any bearing on them REMAKING the series? That's like me saying "RE3 sold more than Code Veronica" so they should do that one next... RE3 makes the most sense by far to do next (as I've told you before) and it IS in fact what they are doing. Then after RE3 I bet they do Dino Crisis... which means that CV will be quite a ways away. If they even decide to do it at all
  8. Nah.. I disagree completely... and again... because I've said this before... REMAKES allow for games to be completely altered. Who knows what they'd have in store for RE3make? They could completely expand areas and have entirely new things. So saying... durr it should be $30 DLC is just stupid.
  9. Fuck off. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. RE3 is a full fucking game.. and it shits on Code Veronica.
  10. Why would you doubt this is a thing? Dude, if Dusk Golem is saying it... it's pretty much confirmed. RE3 being the next one makes perfect sense. There's a lot of assets they can re-purpose.. It takes place before and after the events of RE2, which means that the entire story was probably laid out when they devided to make RE2.. and they can keep it nice and consistent. Not to mention, they've been working on this "Jack" and "Mr. X" AI which they seem to love, so Nemesis is the natural evolution of that. It's coming. Guaranteed to be announced this year I
  11. https://www.videogamer.com/news/rumour-resident-evil-3-remake-already-in-the-works I knew it would be RE3 and not Code Veronica next in line E3 2019 reveal, Jan 20ish 2020 release date.. I'm guessing.
  12. Thread is no longer about the song, or the article. I'm locking this one up boys.
  13. They're working on it. I think that the more people get used to using different clients for different games, the more open they'll become to others... especially when exclusive content is involved. Let's be real here though... MS is building up quite a collection of studios. Let's ignore quality at the moment.. for the sake of the argument. If these studios start putting out good content and it's exclusive to the MS store... and Phil gets the store improved to the point where it's not a train wreck.. I think that people would warm up to it. If Halo Infinite turns ou
  14. OMFG Phil just said at X0 that they are completely focusing on improving the store and the PC experience to make it more native to that platform...
  15. The entire work that they've done was specifically meant to be able to target Win10 PC and Xbox (their platforms specifically) with a singular development environment using the same APIs and debugging tools. Anything else would be a focus for the streaming tech. Of course streaming will be an option for Windows 10 users as well, for those with underpowered hardware. That's how they expand their market reach considerably. I don't know how DelusionalCop can't seem to understand the end game is MS getting out of developing their own costly hardware which hardly makes them any money
  16. My PC aspirations? Dude... this is the actually REALITY right in this moment. How many times does Phil have to double and triple down on PC for you to understand? I mean, we're the ones getting EXCLUSIVE MS games and you aren't at this point. That's the fucking reality The PC is the future of their game development, and the future of their streaming development. It's all going to be coming from the PC in the future. Xbox consoles are DONE as the focal point. And there's no making the Windows Store more dead than it is now... like.. wtf... It can ONLY get
  17. Diplo and I are going to take turns banning him. He may face up to 5-7 months at this rate. Maybe 4 with good behavior.
  18. Any comment though on the actual issue of the song........ What is your take on it?
  19. Care to share your thoughts about the article and not about what Fox News will or wont do concerning it?
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