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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No... Game pass is on PC.. it's not "fully" there.. but the service rotates games... Game pass is the subscription service.... Play anywhere means you buy the game and can play it on the Xbox or PC.... It's currently limited to Play anywhere titles on PC...but it IS the service.
  2. Look dumbo... I never said that STREAMING wouldn't be coming to the PC... of course WIN10 devices will have the streaming service.... but GAMEPASS will be bringing NATIVE games to PC. Watch for MS to EXPAND the service on PC next year... dumbo.
  3. It is... it's not expanded yet... but it is. The service is there... you can ACTUALLY subscribe to it. Just because most of the games aren't there doesn't mean that the service isn't. They will be expanding the service to PC... bringing more titles over, probably porting some, and recruiting 3rd parties to release their PC games into the platform...
  4. That gamepass is on PC. Idiot.
  5. Never fucking underestimate me breh
  6. As I figured... Phil is talking about mobile devices... GamePass is already on PC and will be expanded. More ports to come
  7. Idiot... What I think is going to happen is MS is going to court 3rd party publishers of PC games and incorporate them into Gamepass for PC. I also expect MS to port many more of their past games to PC... and yes... OG and 360 back compat.
  8. post the link to phil's comments
  9. Gamepass IS coming to PC the way I think it is... lmao. In fact... Gamepass is ALREADY on PC... and they are expanding it.
  10. SoT is much better that whatever the fuck I just saw is
  11. EPIC said give us your games or UE will no longer be supported on your console
  12. @DynamiteCop! ok IBHR It's coming to everything but PC https://twitter.com/CrashBandicoot/status/1070875368737906688
  13. It's timed ffs... just THINK about it for a sec. Crash was, this will be too.
  14. I don't see how it can't win GOTY now... it will just seem stupid if it doesn't, after all the other awards it's winning. Kinda feel bad for Cory and GoW though.. I figured it was a shoe in for some of these awards.
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