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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Epic are also giving away a free game every 2 weeks This is why competition is good.
  2. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/journey/home
  3. I have no idea, I'm just posting shit I see on ResetERA It seems so
  4. What you're fine with doesn't fucking matter... it's what it is. Pubs and devs aren't your friend. Valve doesn't need to make HL3... so it is what it is. You're acting like I'm saying I wouldn't want it... Of course I do... it's just not the reality.
  5. There's companies that make sequels because they NEED to make sequels, there's others who don't. Valve is above that shit now. But rest assured.. it's the get out of jail free card. Whenever Valve feels ready... they'll have it.. and it will be glorious.
  6. Ok that was a shadow drop.. You need gamepass though (apparently) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/ashen/bnxlppcvs0hn?wa=wsignin1.0&activetab=pivot%3Aoverviewtab
  7. Yep. As I said, I'm pretty sure everyone is going to get in.
  8. Preloading now. Though I honestly think everyone who registered got in, despite it being a closed beta
  9. Bayo 3 is gonna be there And guys... crazy prediction time... Dino Crisis remake will be announced. Give me your best last minute crazy predictions.
  10. I dunno. The videos are quite shitty regardless. Probably just stuttering due to shader caching.
  11. I played the new mission. It sucked hard. The whole game sucks shit. That said, it's still gorgeous as fuck during gameplay. With ray tracing I can now play 4K Ultra at 60fps with low DXR. Well, in truth it drops to 50fps during the most demanding scenes.. but overall I'm fucking stunned with it. 1440p and never a drop below 60 with DXR Ultra is also possible. It's pretty fucking awesome now.
  12. Remij

    SOTR PC Demo

    How are you locking the fps? In game? Because yea, your mileage may vary with some of the fps locks in some games at 30fps. The best thing to do if you want to play at 30fps with perfect frame pacing is Adaptive vsync (Half refresh-rate) in the Nvidia control panel.
  13. Remij

    SOTR PC Demo

    You don't have enough VRAM.
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