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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm gonna check back in that thread after (hopefully) God of War wins Game of the Year... I'll love to see what they say about Cory. Can you imagine if the world was like that? No room for any idea that wasn't your own... You could almost die saving a burning bus full of 30 children, and then the next day retweet something from someone they don't like and then you're public enemy #1. Like FUCK
  2. Who even knows anymore? rofl... Let's say MS releases hit after hit and Gamepass turns into a huge deal that every wants a part of... Sony and Nintendo would only hold out for so long I guess? But yea.. I see this as more MS is open to every platform that wants them, but Sony and Nintendo will do everything they can to hold off. I wouldn't even be surprised at this point if (for Nintendo especially) MS ported some of their games natively to the console and just branded them "Gamepass". I could totally see Nintendo wanting SPECIFIC games... but not this "Stream 500 games" thing..
  3. What in the absolute FUCK is wrong with those people? I just finished reading through a few pages and man... it's REALLY hard to not say something... So fucking pathetic. They are the most insufferable people in the world.
  4. I'll accept this ownage... but I do remember saying that the main reason why I assumed MS wouldn't push for it so quickly is partially due to the fact that I didn't/don't think Nintendo and Sony will want it. It's obvious MS would want to reach as many devices as possible, but whether Sony and Nintendo allow them is the question.
  5. Sounds good. Ethernet should be much better.
  6. I mean, the game is what it is... And I'm fine with it. Jon's like. Durr but if it was better it would be BETTER! Yea, no shit Sherlock, but it's not.. and it is what it is... and I'm good with that since that's not what RE is about. Durr you guyz prefer shit gunplay YOOS SO STUPID! Every RE game has had shit gunplay. Even RE4... FUCK that game
  7. Ok Rem, get your ass up, it's time to clown this motherfucker talking that trash to you actually know what, nah fuck it I'ma lay back down Idgaf
  8. But..they claim that Navi IS the next generation uArch after GCN... I agree though.. it's a stop gap. I feel like it will be used for consoles and one generation of dGPUs and then pushed aside for the real next gen architecture. That's my problem with AMD... they fuck around too much. Nvidia love em or hate em, they release an architecture and draw lines in the sand. Sometimes they nail it... others not so much.. but it's no secret that their architectures are much more power efficient and efficient in general than AMD. They're absolutely killing them in the server market. AM
  9. That's why AMD needs another 9700 Pro level card.. Being simply "as good" isn't nearly good enough.. even if they are cheaper. They need to be better at every point, and not just a bit... a lot better. The problem is that Nvidia has hundreds of engineers and millions and millions more for R&D. I'm not saying it can't be done.. look at AMD vs Intel right now.. they're changing the game and even though they aren't exactly beating Intel in speed, they're absolutely demolishing them in value.. and the other thing is people know that Intel is stuck in a rut, while AMD keeps throw
  10. Echo location got you shook. No soliton radar here for you my friend. Get gud
  11. The only thing good about AMD card launches is the potential for them to cause Nvidia to lower their prices
  12. You'd love them if they were virtual
  13. I never said I prefer it... I said it is... and that it ultimately doesn't matter to me because it's always been that way. That's not what I play RE for..
  14. Nice... it's been forever. And yet still a sudden release. Hoping this one turns out good.
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