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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Fumbling through this shit in Japanese This ain't coming west
  2. Bring on some competition AMD. But proof is in the pudding. NEVER believe AMD until you actually have something in your hand.. and this will be mid to late 2019 at the earliest.
  3. Possibly. There's certainly no good reason for it to be exclusive imo, but maybe Sony has some kind of Crash year exclusivity thing with Activision or something? Anyway, all I'm saying is that I wouldn't be surprised if it had an exclusivity window, that's all.
  4. He was in the B scenarios Fuck, in this remake though he's intimidating as fuck. You can hear him stomping around rooms away.
  5. bu but you have to haz accounts and you haz to update and u haz loginz and u haz to juggle and you has to deal with and you...
  6. What about them? Jesus.. How do you even use the internet? Is there too many options for you? You just get frustrated and visit the same site over and over again for all your news? You're making a mountain out of a molehill. On PC I can play every single console you own and probably 90% of the games... all on my Windows desktop. Acting like it's just the worst thing that I have to open a client!!! How DARE they not let one company run and be the entire fact of PC gaming!!! Give me a fucking break. I could probably find any game I have on PC and launc
  7. You're a fucking drama queen man PC is an open platform... it's not being fragmented... it's being was it always was meant to be... OPEN. Yea, it's soooo terribly confusing that my EA games are on Origin, My Epic games are on Epic, My Ubisoft Games are on Uplay... My Xbox games are on the Windows Store... and everything else is on Steam. Sooo fucking difficult to use!! How will I manage This coming from the guy that has 15 consoles with 5 different TVs and hundreds of games all around his walls... and tons of other shit lying around
  8. How is this fragmented? Are you retarded? You need fucking 8 accounts anyway idiot. Even on Xbox or PS4... You have your xbox/PSN account... you have your Epic account... your uplay account... your EA account... lmfaoo... All of these companies require accounts... this makes NO fucking difference. You guys are dumb as bricks
  9. It was only a matter of time. This is big news.. with 88% of revenue going to the developers. It makes Steam's recently announced splits based on $$$ generated, look quite bad. This is a good thing. Epic is currently one of the only companies big enough to actually give Valve some real competition. Valve 100% needs this kick to the ass because despite being far and away the best digital gaming store, they have been resting on their laurels a bit too much. We're supposedly supposed to get a new client, updated store, and other functionality, but it's been q
  10. I'm honestly not even sure. But regardless it's usb so if they want to patch it they can release a file and have people connect it to their PCs and patch it. I wouldn't want it to be connected to a network where Sony could force patches on it. Because this thing is 100% going to be busted wide open. So once it's hacked, I wouldn't want to have to worry about a patch auto downloading some day or something.
  11. Yea, I think John from Digital Foundry is looking into it. He's basically been taking the PSC to various stores and trying all their keyboards to see if any will work If I see anything, I'll post it here.
  12. We can hope.. I mean, Reggie is gonna be there. Hopefully he's still about kicking ass and taking names
  13. Gonna be disappointed if the Metriod announcement is... Prime Trilogy for Switch. I mean, that's fine.. but just announce that shit. Metroid Prime 4 should be shown. Unless we get both
  14. You have to access it by plugging in a keyboard and pressing ESC on the menu... But not just any keyboard will work.. it requires a Corsair K70 or K95 specifically... LMAO wtf.. Just so happens that I have the K70 though
  15. VR developers in general know that they need to develop for all headsets already anyway. Pretty much any game that isn't published by Sony or Oculus is multiplat. The thing is that High end VR has just too high of a barrier to entry... and the Oculus Go proves that. Once things get easier for people to adopt, things will go better. But yea, it's obvious why Oculus isn't in a rush to announce or release a new headset. Fortunately, Facebook has the money to fund these high end experiences and will take the hit because VR is 100% their future.
  16. It's close enough that it doesn't matter even if it is dynamic. I'm just ragging on your ass with that shit. I still believe the VG Tech guy though...
  17. Fair point. Maybe little things here and there. It's a delicate game they'll have to play.. but yea.. I guess it's possible. Still though, Phil has went out of his way to reiterate that the current plan is to simply provide it as an option.
  18. Nah. I mean presumably at some point they'll just offer the streaming service and the only real way to buy their games will be to subscribe to them... but not any time soon.
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