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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Xbox has no games. And I didn't spend 1800 for one game.. I spent it for better framerates and higher resolution in all games... in addition to RTX Worried about my moneyb1
  2. RTX got you in your feels Nvidiosob1
  3. ^wtf am I even looking at Dumb lemmings
  4. That's completely wrong, and this is getting saved for when Xbox 2 comes with a semi-solution for ray tracing. I'm going to own you again Jon
  5. The one and only The future of real-time ray traced graphics... Started with the Nvidia RTX
  6. And the performance improvements aren't ending.. Nvidia holup brehs.. let AMD compete por favor! Dis RTX shitz amazin
  7. Nope. That's at Ultra... drop to med or low and 4K 60 is likely possible now. RTX at low >>> the best SSR (which X1X doesn't even have heh) TLHBFR
  8. Sooo many. -Playing our Atari 2600 with my older brother (he was playing and I just watched... but you know ) -Getting the NES for Christmas with Super Mario Bros. 1 and 2... and playing it taking turns with my brothers at my Grandmas house (in Saskatchewan where we had Christmas that year) -Getting Final Fantasy for NES for Christmas the following year. My parents picked this game up for me simply based on the cover. It's my most cherished gaming possession I have. -Playing FF with my older brother, and then later with my best friend. We spent weekends playing th
  9. It's quite impressive that they are able to keep the file size so low.. however when you consider that the game very likely doesn't have any pre-rendered cutscenes, it's quite understandable. DMC5 is also only around 30-35GB iirc.. RE7 is only ~30GB as well. Good shit considering the size of some games these days. In the spirit of that... I was checking out a thread on ResetERA and someone mentioned how fitting it was that RE2 Remake is small and nicely compressed, and the N64 RE2 port was also something of a miracle in compression. They posted this RE2 postmortem, which I thou
  10. Yea for sure. It looks great, but I can see the ways in which they are likely budget constrained. Of course these are just early screenshots and the entire game might not be like this, but it seems like they've given themselves a setting in which things like assets and objects can be repeated often. Rooms are very angular and you can see a lot of the same texturing and stuff all over the place. It's definitely stretching it's budget from what I can tell... but that's not a bad thing. It forces developers to get more creative in different ways... and considering the
  11. I really like the look of this game. QB was great looking, especially at higher resolutions where it could actually be appreciated. The physics in this game are also pretty crazy too with tons of debris and objects flying around. Looking forward to it. Hopefully we see something from it at The Game Awards.
  12. Yea, the blades with a bit more sophisticated and cleaner looking style would be awesome.
  13. I knew he wasn't Tupac because he didn't talk about TVs enough to be Tupac. lmao
  14. Yeah it's fair to say. Even I'm not attacking the game like I did with FH3. I'm going to be happy to go back to it, but I've given it a bit of a break. It's understandable.
  15. I can't wait to see racing games with this technology. Honestly, the biggest flaw with racing games are the reflections and the complete lack of proper reflecting cars and lighting. With DXR, the cars will absolutely feel more grounded in the game world and connected to the road. The reflections being correct is absolutely essential for a 3d space to feel cohesive and logical. It's not easy at all to demonstrate with pictures, but when you're running around in a game world and things reflect properly.. like windows showing the transparency as well as the reflection of the street behind you
  16. It WAS fine before.. considering the complexity of the technology... which is what I was telling you.... lmao don't give me that bullshit. It was fine before.. and it's better now. Deal with it
  17. 5+ more studios WOULD be insane to me. I already think it's insane that they've purchased as many as they have. But yea the IO Interactive would be a GREAT get for MS... They put out the right kind of content for them, and they make great games that get screwed over for one reason or another. GamePass would be PERFECT for that style of Hitman game. I hope it's true. I don't want to see that team dissolve, even if it means future games are exclusive to MS platforms.
  18. I'll do both. I don't get disappointed if a game doesn't reach some arbitrary review score. I couldn't imagine being such a pessimistic person all the time. I see some of the studios MS has acquired and I'm certain that some of them will be better off with MS than if they hadn't been purchased. I think Ninja Theory is going to pay off big time for MS. I don't think the MS we have today is the same MS that dictated to developers that they could only do one thing. Obviously studios like 343i, and The Coalition will focus on Halo and Gears respectively... but they seem to be allo
  19. Every company has ruined developers... Let's face facts... MS is doing what they said they were going to do... and that's building up their first party talent.. creating new studios, and apparently are allowing these studios to do their own thing. There's more potential for good stuff to come from them than ever before. Of course they've got to "prove" it.... but not every game needs to be a AAA game. Having a nice stream of good games all year is/will be important too. I think some of these studios are going to do great things. I'm not jaded as fuck about it becaus
  20. Some people are thinking it could be Bluepoint Games as well. Why do you guys have to be such fucking downers about everything?
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