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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Exploring, trying some different stuff in the game out, and a bit of sitting on the title screen while I was afk Dis game
  2. ^this motherfucker will never learn how to paste things properly
  3. The REAL Fullbody edition is only on PC
  4. Game is awesome. Reviews are very positive on Steam. It's the best version of the game currently And they're fixing the fps bug, which only happens on certain elements due to the physics of the game. Basically... WaggleTitsHBR
  5. So it's not necessary to buy the Deluxe Edition. If you want to purchase them later separately, you're able to. https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/p/resident-evil-2-extra-dlc-pack/bvt51jdpc0nv?activetab=pivot%3Aoverviewtab also the MS store says that there's not just the option for the original OST, but also original sound effects (presumably for certain things like menus) and the "Resident Evil" Title call. https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/p/banda-sonora-original-intercambio/bxck7dvcrggj?activetab=pivot%3Aoverviewtab Here's a preview of the
  6. Capcom released some pics of Hunk and Tofu in the city streets. This game is going to be legendary.
  7. Oh for sure. It's fucking awesome on everything. (except maybe the original Xbox One) but still awesome. It's an old build too.. pretty much the E3 build.. so I'm fairly confident that certain little issues will be fixed for the full game.
  8. Well shit https://www.roadtovr.com/foldaway-haptics-thumbstick-vr-controller-pushes-back-ces-2019/ Rightmij
  9. Oh and I don't agree with them that both consoles use the reconstruction technique. Looking at NXGamers video and in this very DF video, you can tell that the Xbox One X is running at the higher resolution. I'm almost certain that the PRO is running at half the horizontal resolution. I've noticed it in a few areas that there's long jaggies on straight vertical objects. The statue in the main hall shows it clearly. Also you can tell that the DOF on the X1X is higher quality as well. It also softens the image. So I'd say X1X is native 2880x1620 and PRO is 1440x1620. That's my
  10. TAA does soften the image, but no, it has nothing to do inherently with the color space and range.
  11. Yea, I noticed that when walking around that hall with the zombie banging on it. Pretty fucking shitty. I didn't notice it any other time though. They better fix that shit. Even on consoles... just have the zombie off to the side behind the wall and then have him walk to the window and start bashing it when it's close enough to run at full speed. Hopefully there's just some setting in a config file on PC that will fix it. I'm sure some nerd is already drawing up a fix from the demo
  12. Use the Rec.709 color space in the options menu. Don't get me wrong, it's still a bit all over the place, but the blacks and contrast are much much better. On PC with Reshade you can get it pretty much perfect though
  13. The zombie and gore tech is amazing To say I'm enjoying this game would be an understatement... The more I play it, the more I love it.
  14. I'm really not. lmao.. Is it not clear that this is a bait thread? Don't get me wrong... I 100% believe that the game is great and Summit has stated that he's getting his highest viewership ever while playing this game.. But of course I know that most of Twitch is about the Streamers and not the game... cmon man.. That said, Ninja's viewership falls off a cliff when he's not playing Fortnite. So does many others. The fact remains that SoT has been GAINING viewership. Summit started playing it again and enjoying the hell out of it, and his subscribers DO
  15. Nah. The game isn't dead regardless of what summit does. The title of this thread was referring to the stream viewership. There's always been a decent sized community that plays this game. Summit getting back into it and enjoying the fuck out of it after a hiatus just shows that the game IS and CAN BE fun, and people love watching the shit he pulls off. Have you guys seen some of the shit he's pulled off in the game? It's fucking hilarious. If SoT was truly dead, Summit wouldn't be playing it.
  16. Bullshit. Lots of people are playing this game still. Summit's stream wouldn't be watched if nobody was playing the game, dummy.
  17. That 1 guy has his highest viewership ever recorded when he started playing Sea of Thieves again. Why don't we talk about the fact that he's been playing it for months, and the viewership is growing? Why don't we talk about the fact that it's all he wants to play? Why don't we talk about the fact that the viewers love watching him play that game? Why don't we talk about... no wait, there's no need.. SoT
  18. Because they were blow 10k, dummy. Why don't you want to talk about the fact that people are watching it now?
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