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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Glad they killed Xbox so you were forced to run to Playstation. Bodybitch playing COD with the DS4 ....following the breadcrumbs of past "Xbox games" over to Playstation and wiggling his joycons screaming "LOOK, We got REAL exclusives!!! This gen has been incredible
  2. I'm inclined to agree with him. I was checking out the interlaced mode on the PC version, and the PRO version shows the same tell-tale signs with the jaggies when the camera begins to move and stop. You can see it pretty clearly. It stair steps when in motion, then reconstructs when the camera stops moving. I wouldn't call the X1X version's AA better though.. It likely has a higher base res to work with, but it's undoubtedly significantly blurrier overall. It's kind of a weird case, really. I'm sure though that when the full game releases, the 4K mode on X will look a lot shar
  3. Kamiya fucked up Not every game works.. and this one looked rough.
  4. Out of the main series, mine is definitely the original RE1 on PSX. It just sounds so clean and the reverb is godly. lmao @ the RE7 one.. that's obviously fanmade
  5. It IS a big leap... Right now it's being used very sparingly... This is such a stupid thing. Most people don't notice lots of shit when it comes to gfx effects. Lots of people say they can't see more than 60fps (or even 30) If I show you a screen, side by side.. you can notice what ray-tracing does. Asking a couple people to play once with it on and then once with it off, they're not as likely to be able to call it out... especially when sometimes SSR and other effects can look quite convincing. Ray-tracing excels at cleaning up the artifacts from those faked ap
  6. The only other acceptable answer is FF Tactics indeed... but that doesn't change that FF7 is the best. LMAO overrated... It single-handedly brought JRPGs into the mainstream, established Sony Playstation as the dominant platform, and pushed the medium ahead all in one. Overrated he says
  7. That fucking clown. He's a known idiot. Most people wouldn't know what ray-tracing does, or whether it's on or off. Just like most people wouldn't know what ambient occlusion is/does.. But YOU do Jonb.... you most certainly do JonnyRTX
  8. This isn't a question/answer thread... this is a statement of fact.
  9. The best gaming time in my life... the best Final Fantasy game, and just amazing gfx and an incredible OST. It was perfect. 3 CDs of epic 32-bit RPG goodness. God fucking DAMN Square was BEASTING during the 32bit era Incredible opening sequence... you knew you were in for an epic game with the intro. The music
  10. I feel you. I'm honestly the exact same way... but Sea of Thieves is actually different. Almost everyone I played with had mics and they were all cool and nice. Once you sort of know what you're doing, it's fun having everyone take on their jobs and complete the tasks. Same with digging treasure from maps. Finding the X's is kind of tedious in the beginning, but eventually you learn how to read the maps really well and can find them in no time. This isn't like FPS games or MMOs and shit where people will totally treat you like a fuck if you aren't pulling 100% of your weight.
  11. lmao If you gave it a chance.. and played with some others, I think you'd like it.
  12. Always was. There's more variety and different loot as well as new kinds of cannon balls which have different effects. There's also NPC Skeleton ships that sail around and try to kill you. Basically, there's more ways to find loot which makes you feel like you're doing more. The game is honestly great. The sailing is just perfectly balanced and the core gameplay is great. If I could say anything, it's that the game is starting to reach its promise. There was always a great game there, but people focused too much on what wasn't there instead of having fun
  13. Summit1G single handedly reignited the love people have for the game, and it's much better now. He's been playing it exclusively for more than a month and a half straight. LMAO Atlas... LMAO where's Red Dead Online?
  14. It's weird that they don't give you the option on consoles. I mean it's right there in the PC version. And I gotta say, the lock works perfectly on PC. The game actually feels smooth even at 30, 60. The unlocked fps though is just incredibly smooth. I'm in awe by how smooth this engine performs at high fps. This game has essentially perfect framepacing from what I can tell. It's really damn good.
  15. VGTech framerate comparison video (X1X and PRO both render at 2880x1620 using a reconstruction technique, PRO downsamples when outputting at 1080p) -X1X - mostly smooth 60fps, some dips during cutscenes and rare instances during gameplay -PRO - hits 60fps a good amount of the time, but buckles during some cutscenes and gameplay with multiple zombies (XO and PS4 both render at 1920x1080) -XO - lowest framerate.. usually around ~40 to 35fps.. can fluctuate quite a bit during cutscenes and gameplay -PS4 - usually around ~50 to 45fps.. and also fluctuate
  16. He never had a One X though... he had something like 3 OG Xboxes (COD special edition as well of course)
  17. Got the game tweaked with Reshade.. and now things aren't nearly as washed out. Really happy with where I got it now. Also, I turned DOF off. I think I like it better off because they are too aggressive at times with the cutoff so it blurs things that shouldn't be blurred, imo. DOF on: DOF off: 13 more days
  18. The combat in this game is going to be sooo good Looks amazing. Q1 2019 is stacked
  19. Most middleware engines already support DXR. Considering how quickly DICE added it to BF5.. I don't think it's a huge stretch. More and more will follow. Still though... it IS disappointing that the only game that supports it is BF5 still... months after release. Where the fuck is the Tomb Raider patch?
  20. Yea I saw that. I think certain devs will definitely make use of it. It's important to remember that PS4/XO actually DO have a ray-traced game in Claybook. It's relatively simplistic.. but it's not like they don't have the ability to do it... they'll just have to be very selective about how many rays they cast and for what surfaces. Devs like Guerrilla Games and Naughty Dog I expect will use ray-traced effects in future PS5 games. Same with Polyphony Digital.. You can be DAMN sure that they know the key to getting truly photo-realistic visuals in their game is to r
  21. There's work being done behind the scenes with ray-tracing (Sony and MS), and it will gain more traction in the future. Not the immediate future mind you, but that's why it's important to get the API, GPUs, and drivers all nice and established so that things are primed for when devs catch up. Right now, let's be real... they're not worth purchasing for ray-tracing... but there's plenty of other advancements these GPUs have which haven't been taken advantage of yet. Mesh shaders, VRS, and the Tensor cores have a lot of potential, not even counting just DLSS. Support is coming tho
  22. So they datamined the demo (obviously this was going to happen) and apparently there's an unlockable fixed camera mode in the full game Also here's some shots of the PC version in ultrawide with a free camera mod. Game looks great
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