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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Oh fuck off that it's not impressive graphically. It's a 60fps game I mean look at the character models ffs And if anything you have it backwards... There's way more grit and things are much more dilapidated in this remake than they were in the original.. which I would accept as a valid complaint about the change in atmosphere. The remake is darker, things are flooded, lights aren't working in areas where in the original they are bright as day.. Like that level of fluidity and animation across this game and all of it's characte
  2. Bhytre doesn't even know the definition of obsolete Nvidia RTX
  3. Don't say I didn't warn you Holy fucking SHIT... Capcom are so fucking BACK. The RE Engine is insane.. DMCV looks just incredible too. This at 60fps on current gen hardware is just incredible.
  4. I kinda figured they were going to release a Titan RTX card eventually... but not quite this soon. Normally, I would have waited for this card, considering Titans used to be the enthusiast option, but I 100% expect this thing to be like the Titan V, which is to say around $2500-$3000. Probably depending on the RAM. I'm curious if it will be 16, or 32gb? Anyway, the card is going to be fucking insane. If it's $2000... and crazy enough.. I might grab one.
  5. Yea, that was the same for me. There's some fuckers in this game, that's for sure.. Glad you're liking it though.
  6. Ok, this one is an actual spoilerz pic guys.. shot of Leon in the sewers and a new monster
  8. Dude, that's what happens when you're in last place. You get shit on by both factions above you. It's not the forums fault there's only 3 lemmings left... and the 3 that are left remain incredibly cocky. But people treat Deeno the way they do not just because Xbox... look at the political forum, look at ways he talks about most shit... with an air of superiority. That's why he gets butt hurt when I talk the same way about PC vs Xbox... and why I've started doing it more and defending Xbox less. I know that shit gets to him. So much so that he's makes a point to try to attack
  9. Yea, MS' servers streaming games from hundreds of miles to thousands of miles away is going to be faster than streaming a game wired directly from your PC in your room to your living room... or vice versa.. mmmhmh ok
  10. That's just an excuse to run to every time. He says stupid shit... and he says it in a cocky way. That's why people treat him they way they do. I defended Xbox and those same people don't treat me the same way.
  11. Just remember... whatever experience you have with it.... that's about what you can expect from xbox's streaming service in the future
  12. That's dumb jon. Like I give a fuck about that shit homie. I spent the last 2 years defending Xbox from this forum... He gets treated like a tool because he is one.
  13. $2.50 you can't go wrong wtf.. I'm gonna laugh watching you hate on it
  14. Please, he came into my thread with a bug up his ass. You come running to his defense with the same bullshit every time though. I don't get into it with him nearly as much as the other guys... but lately he's been a straight fucking tool.
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