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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Best on PC LMAO 30fps Blurstation 4 ROFL Switch Streaming OMFGLMAOLOL Bodycunt
  2. GPUz is not reliable at all for power draw measurements I guarantee you both cards are drawing more than 200w. Guaranteed.
  3. lmao no... your reference Vega card is NOT drawing 150watts max while mining... I suggest you take another look. You're probably over 500w from both cards when mining.
  4. Why would my panties be in a bunch? Well if they seem like they are, it might be because AMD fanboys are so fucking cocky and talk the most amount of shit and AMD can never hope to back up the amount of shit that spews from their fan's mouths. There is an obvious performance drawback to it.... because it's performance heavy tech. The thing is Nvidia is doing BOTH.. and they are doing it well... except AMD fans talk the most shit and try to downplay every technological advancement Nvidia makes.... because there's a performance hit
  5. More like 210x2... Big or small, it's a waste. But hey, if it's working for you.. enjoy. Just let's not pretend that ANYONE should give a shit and consider mining with any of these cards.
  6. I've seen AMD ray-tracing behind the scenes... and it's not pretty. Nvidia IS refining things... they also have the best GPUs for traditional rasterized games at the same time.. You're right though... we're absolutely beta testing for Nvidia. The beta test for AMD will come in 1.5-2 years and hardly anyone will care to participate
  7. You didn't even say a single thing about perf/watt Radeon's suck at EVERYTHING. And why the fuck are you even mining with a dual GPU setup? You're just wasting money
  8. They've said it will come in the future.... yea, no shit... it IS the future.. no shit it's coming. The problem is that it isn't coming with Navi... and that leaves it to their next-gen dGPU architecture... which means it's 2 years out... Think about that. 2 years out... and then they are going to feel the performance hit that Nvidia is already absorbing right now. By the time it comes, Nvidia's RT will be completely refined and faster than ever. Nvidia once again read the market and forced change at the right time. AMD has no answer... and by the time they do... I
  9. Remij


    I was just thinking that when I saw this thread... First I'm like "what the fuck now?" Then I saw it was you and was like, "ah ok cool" I luv the attention
  10. In some games there's odd framepacing at 30fps... but it's easily fixable using RTSS. I've played Shadow on XO, and it's in no way better at 30fps than the PC version when locked using RTSS. It's exactly the same.
  11. Nothing worthy. Bunk ass keynote. It's always so hilarious watching the Nvidia keynotes where the AMD fanboys are constantly hating... despite Nvidia literally showing the future of real-time graphics... then AMD does a completely shit keynote with nothing new and they're like.. "well that wasn't too bad"
  12. Wait till you find out that your RTX 2060 is better and faster at 4K than your Xbox One X 4K/30 is easily doable on that card at console settings. So don't write it off.
  13. It's basically a workstation card.... that they're trying to sell to gamers... AMD is a flop. Fuck their GPU Division
  14. I love and prefer Steam as well... but they've had it way too easy. They should have known this day would come... and well, maybe they do. Maybe it's fuck all... and maybe they have plans to try to get some exclusive content for Steam from 3rd parties? Have at it. Or don't. The games will come one way or the other. Epic isn't just going to hope good vibes and friendly competition is going to build their store for them... they're gonna start going for the throat and bully their way in that bitch. It's the only way possible to put a dent in Steam. It might not even work, but h
  15. I know. I was kinda shocked. I was looking on Steam and saw it, and thought, fuck it I'll grab it while I'm pissing around looking... and then saw the price and was like WTF? Did a double take to make sure I was on the right game.. and then made the thread. Fuck that. There's tons of other shit atm, Vesperia can wait until it hits 40%+ off.
  16. They're a generation behind. Their 7nm best is barely able to keep pace with the mid-high end 12nm RTX 2080 which... is "wasting" all that die space on RT and Tensor cores... Their power consumption is horrid... they're extremely inefficient... The thing is expensive as hell for what is essentially a last gen part. And 16gb ram is a fucking waste for that card. What a joke. By the time AMD comes with Navi or whatever, (which will very likely also not support rat-tracing) Nvidia will have the next generation RTX cards ready to go... will be much more power efficient,
  17. Toldjaso Steam's gotta shape up or gtfo the way I love watching the ResetERA clowns meltdown. Their world is ending
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