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Everything posted by Remij

  1. DICE is falling apart at the seams. They're bleeding key people and EA's been fucking up left and right. Not a good combination. I wonder what EA is thinking right now?
  2. Would be amazing. Last year's show wasn't that bad, if I'm remembering right. I hope there's some good shit there this year. A possible Metroid Prime 4 reveal, MGS1 remake reveal, Aliens game reveal, and new Death Stranding trailer. Maybe even something from TLOU2... I mean, that's all possible.
  3. Yea I figured. That makes sense. Nice update though.
  4. Yea I didn't even know that he had a stream. He's got tons of vids out and I'm checking some of them out now. I agree with everything you said though. I always like hearing the insight from veterans in the industry.. it gives you a bit of a different view on things. He's just at a different stage in his life where he cuts through the bullshit and can say things without fear of retribution from anyone. It's refreshing.. in a industry where the fans want to desperately believe that their hero creators must feel the same way about games and gaming as they do. I'm watching the one
  5. He must get tired of people asking him about God of War and to make AAA games again, but the dude doesn't want any more of it. You gotta give it to Jaffe.. he's certainly opinionated, but he's true to himself and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. I certainly love my character driven story games, but it's true what he says. It's a lot of the same shit over and over again, just executed better each time. It's easy to say "yea but Jaffe hasn't made a great game in x years and whatever" but you have to admit, he creates something, and then moves on to creating something new each time.
  6. Funny thing is that I don't give a shit what Warren Buffet and Bill Gates do with their money ffs... People can save money, make more money, and enjoy spending their money more than you... None of those things rules out the other. And keep worrying about me and my mortgage... I know it makes you feel better thinking that I MUST be struggling because I bought an expensive graphics card
  7. Yeah. It's a collectors item, and I'd definitely buy one, but the 50hz PAL games completely ruin it for me. Assuming that it gets hacked and can play other roms just fine, then I'll consider picking one up... if they're still in stock. I REALLY would like to have that little bastard beside my NES and SNES minis... It's so easy to take them places. It would be perfect for taking back home when visiting with family for any real length of time, as well as on trips and stuff staying at the hotels. Really convenient.
  8. You essentially said he's wasting his money buying something that was FREE... You're criticizing how he's spending his money.
  9. I get not thinking something is worth the price... but just make the point and then shut up about it. Nagging on people that spend their money differently than to how you would spend it is just so stupid
  10. Way to explain how people value things differently... idiot. Oh no... $100
  11. Beat Saber is an amazing game. It's cool as fuck. No matter how ridiculous you look on the outside... you feel boss as fuck on the inside
  12. Awesome patch. They updated the interface, added new options, changed the sabers up and added... A PRACTICE mode... with speed adjustments. That was sorely needed because god damn Expert and Expert+ are insane. They come at you so fast you literally can't tell what direction to slice when they are right after each other. You had to pretty much keep playing and playing and playing to learn the songs. Now we can slow things down a bit to learn. Also they added new modifiers to build up multipliers and get higher scores. Bad thing is that it broke the custom track m
  13. Yes. They need to look for new ways to engage and get people using (and remaining on) their platform. The issue with the store itself and the delivery.... is something that should never EVER have happened and is extremely embarrassing for them... as one of the leading software giants of the world. MS should focus on keeping things open so that developers can be as successful as possible, while at the same time focus on releasing their own apps and games on every single store that would allow them. Xbox games should be on Steam... straight the fuck up. They can keep UWP.. open
  14. Damn... that's a lot of points. I just checked mine... I have a bit over 800 lmao
  15. Well, I think MS has made a ton of mistakes with UWP that have resulted in people holding views like you do. Not entirely unjustifiable, but I think the reason why it's not supported as much is due to other problems outside of the actual APIs themselves. MS' entire messaging around it has been met with ire because people only see the walled garden aspect of it and all the negative shit. There's truth to some of it.. but if UWP applications had been distributed on Steam, and downloaded fine.. then people wouldn't have had so much of an issue with it. The reason why it isn't exactly taking o
  16. Realistically they shouldn't. Once it's gone.. it should be gone... We don't have the right to demand that something is always available for sale. I know that with physical media, even if they stop producing it, you could still buy used copies and those can be made into more copies. But really I think it's the same thing with digital, man. I don't think it's unique to just physical copies. Even if there's no physical copies made of something, someone will always be copying and archiving the content, even if they aren't cracked or whatever... for the future. I fucking hate the
  17. And I said what was wrong with UWP? There's a difference between the API and the applications and the delivery method. The API itself is fine. I even said in one of the posts above that it was a flop... but it's a flop because of the delivery method. Hating on the API because the delivery method is garbage isn't really fair. And the API does what it's supposed to do.... which is unify development across MS' platforms.. so despite the fact that THE STORE isn't successful... doesn't mean that there's a problem with the API... it just means the store is garbage.
  18. And it doesn't even matter... I used Sony as an example... it could be any console manufacturer... And you said my RTX was in the "off" position... wouldn't that be a good thing?
  19. I'm asking you to explain what the fuck is wrong with UWP the API.... without speaking about the delivery method. You see... I'm accusing you of conflating them... meaning that I think you're stating that UWP is a flop because of the issues the Window Store has had... and not that there's actually something wrong with the API itself... In every response you're saying "bu but they both are DUMPSTER FIRE".... which doesn't prove to me that you can explain what is so wrong with the API itself.
  20. Yea, you're worried that Sony's gonna take away your games and that you wont be able to re-download them because of licensing... Or your worried that games you haven't bought yet will be removed before you can buy them... years later...
  21. God damn you're dumb as fuck. You're conflating the UWP API with the Windows Store... fucking idiot. You're conflating the issues with the store as issues with UWP.. It shows how fucking ignorant you are. Try actually SAYING what's wrong with UWP... I bet you say "durr well deres problems when dawnlawding an da gaemz don sometimz wurk and.. uh" Just shut the fuck up
  22. lmao... UWP IS an API... The fact that you're conflating it with MS' windows store issues shows how ignorant you are... lmao Stop talking.
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