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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Anthem DLSS support https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJo19lIZWJY
  2. Nvidia are testing async (freesync) monitors to test them for gsync compatibility, so in a future driver update those monitors will be fully supported by gsync. They're testing out all the async monitors released and are certifying the ones that pass their testing. So far out of 400 monitors, they've certified 12 of them lol.. But in the future, more monitors should be supportable... which is good for people who own those freesync monitors and don't want to feel locked into a GPU vendor due to free/g-sync.
  3. RTX 2060 announced $349 and comes bundled with Anthem or Battlefield 5 Available next week Anthem was announced to support DLSS. BF5 was running on the 2060 with RTX and DLSS at 1440p 80fps
  4. People don't want any more rebranded garbage from AMD. If AMD wants to make an actual fucking mark, they need to do what they say they are going to do... and that's release something actually new that's competitive with Nvidia at the prices they claim they want to sell at. AMD has to do WAYYYYYY better... to even compete with Nvidia. Nvidia are giving them every opportunity as well... but we all know AMD will fuck it up. They always do. Remember how they were hyping Vega?? ROFL... remember the "poor Volta" marketing shit?? They're fucking ages behind
  5. Who the fuck has time to watch a billion of them anyway? Just pick one or two that cover the large portion of what you like to watch and be done with it ffs It's hilarious how some of you guys try to make all of this into some huge deal
  6. Nvidia They'll probably formally announce the RTX 2060 and announce more support for RTX in games. Then next week, it's going to be hilarious watching AMD under-deliver again, like they always do. Jensen Huang
  7. There's supposed to be 60fps modes on both the high end consoles. Capcom said that they'd have a "4K" mode and a "60fps" mode. I said that I doubt those consoles will have a 4K/60 mode which some people seem to be holding out for. Regardless... it leaves the PC version as the best, as per usual. Fuck consoles bu but my 30min timed demo
  8. I'm not going to be wrong with the resolution. I never said anything about the resolution... I said the FPS wont be 60 at 4K. Certainly not locked. The DMC5 demo already shows it's shortcomings on the X1X pushing a native 4K. We have cutscenes dropping to the 30s ffs
  9. 30min game timed demos 2 weeks before launch REM, PLEASE CARE!!! IDIOTS
  10. Nobody has gotten a demo. Idiot. And no... the ONLY time that would matter whatsoever... is if you had nothing else to play.. Yep... it's just the lemfags who give a shit about a demo at this point
  11. Who even cares at this point? It would be a complete waste of time.
  12. Yes, hearing really stupid shit strikes the nerves of people who are smarter and know better. We BOTH knew you'd strike a nerve with me... you literally can't avoid it.. you're destined to say stupid shit and then try to back it up with more stupid shit You want to throw me for a loop... try not talking
  13. You thinking anyone cares what you think especially after your CPU IPC comments. You should be banned from ever talking about technology again RTX is the future
  14. Don't buy ANY fucking console right now. Don't buy a PRO and don't buy a Switch. If you're going to buy anything, buy a new TV.. then get a PS5 in the next year and a half or later. If you buy a PRO now... you will waste your money. If you buy a Switch now... you will waste your money. Both consoles will be replaced by better hardware quite soon enough. There, you've been told... now go do whatever the fuck you want.
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