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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Oh... so you're just waiting for the next generation of the same architecture... lmao You do realize that next gen Nvidia GPUs will be RTX right? So when you say "RTX is straight up trash" you're saying that the architecture is garbage and that they should change it.... but what you're really wanting to say is that you should just wait until it's not as new and some of the issues have been worked out... Uh ok. You're so smart it's astounding.
  2. "bu bah it waz a miztaek " please dummy... think a bit.. look at the bigger picture... It wasn't... you're a simple minded fool And there's been hate for MANY of Nvidia's gpus over the years... Anytime Nvidia introduces NEW TECHNOLOGY people have a fucking fit... "bu but mah gamewerkz proprietary Nvidia garbage "... lmfao please... this is EXACTLY what they haters do. The 10 series was essentially the same shit as the 9 series.
  3. Quote me on this... RTX.. this series... these cards... have changed video game rendering forever. There's no going backwards. This point was when the shift took place. Remember that shit
  4. How long are you going to worry about how I spend my money?
  5. It absolutely should have been released. And now was the perfect time to do it... and that's due to AMD being a total and complete failure in the space... God you guys are dumb as fuck when it comes to this shit. The ONLY reason why these cards are the price they are and the sentiment around this launch is what it is... is because the crypto mining bullshit which left Nvidia with hundreds of thousands of cards they HAD to sell... meaning raising the price of the RTX series. AMD has no fucking answer for any of this shit, and by the time they do... all the
  6. Seems to have butchered your ability to not be butthurt because AMD can't compete
  7. ROFL.. getting mad about it. These cards ABSOLUTELY butcher their competition in ALL areas of computing. AMD
  8. Nope lmao... It's hilarious that someone with your apparent knowledge in data centers would even suggest this
  9. No... I simply wouldn't. And it would be easily possible to build your dell for cheaper than what you paid for it
  10. It's on EA Access Premier I know that much. Not sure about regular Access though.
  11. Uh, leaks have looked at ONE game entirely... ROFL... Jon please... think a little bit. You're prematurely blowing your load here I see why you're dumb and bought a Dell. LOL And yes, it will improve on current hardware. By LOTS. I guarantee it. I've been there done this befo breh And every media site is disappointed with this because they get more views for being disappointed with it... When Jayztwocents made a video defending the ray tracing performance and trying to explain why it is the way it is currently and trying to clue people in as to just
  12. You never saw the 2nd vid clip... and there will be more... leading up to release. Relax dude.
  13. I said it's "pretty much" confirmed (and yes it is).... and it's far faster than the 1060 and 590.... AMD lmao RTX doesn't mean JUST Ray Tracing Jon... there's plenty of architectural improvements to the SMs and huge improvements to the memory interface... as well as new technologies that are only possible on the new architecture.. such as the new Mesh shader pipeline and mixed precision FP. DLSS will also help the lower end cards punch above their weight. And dude.. I'm telling you... Ray tracing performance is going to improve over time. It's like comparing consol
  14. Uh, they definitely do... and are. lmao These cards are beasts. And things would have been a bit different if they didn't have all the flood of 10 series after the mining crash. I bet the prices would have been $100-$200 cheaper. That sucks... but they had to sell that excess inventory first. With the 2060 pretty much confirmed as RTX as well, that means the entire line-up is based on the new architecture, and that this is the line drawn in the sand... GTX is done and this is new architecture of the future.
  15. Nope RTX is the future. Nvidia officially changed the game forever
  16. You could imagine a scenario where Nvidia would lie.... but not all 3rd party vendors... They've all said they're all within normal ranges. There's definitely an issue with a batch of cards... but it's like this with most consumer electronics launches of this magnitude.. especially when pushing cutting edge tech. There's never been a GPU launch with quite as much animosity as this one. It's definitely not the smoothest launch ever... but FAR from the worst lmao. People now are just itching to hate on Nvidia... it's whatever. My card has been godly so far. No issues at all. I
  17. FUCK Twin Snakes... what a garbage ass game. Completely inferior in every way. YES even graphically.. FUCK that game.
  18. What a fat fuck Nvida AND their 3rd party IHVs have confirmed that RMAs are within normal limits for these cards. So many fucking haters out there... jesus christ Yes, cards have issues... not all of them... and not even close to all of them. You just have more shitty youtube fuckheads these days looking for clickbait. You even have people like Jon scouring the forums to look for bad news.. this is why they do it
  19. The music Capcom are going to release little snippets like these leading up to release.. and there's rumors that we're getting a demo in mid to late December.
  20. Put a good amount of time into Dragon Quest 11 this past weekend and week in general, still finishing up some stuff. What an awesome fucking game My wife is playing Spider-Man on PS4... I was watching today and god damn I'm really impressed at how much Insomniac has improved from past games to now. I mean, they don't make too many realistic looking games.. they tend to do more video-gamey characters, which have always been well done and animated, but what REALLY impressed me about what I saw was how well the cutscenes were directed and just the characters in general. When I sta
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