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Everything posted by Remij

  1. That the game will have a 60fps mode but not at 4K.
  2. Because it's ALL you do LOL Why the fuck WOULDN'T it bother me? I'm gonna start bringing it up all the time to you. In every thread.
  3. You have been... which is PRETTY MUCH EXCLUSIVELY what you do
  4. So why care? Are you incapable of talking about a game that doesn't release on Switch without mentioning... the Switch? I'm pretty sure you're compelled to because the Xbox version wont sell the best, and it wont look/run the best. So it's just sort of there... That leaves the only thing to talk about as the Switch version "not existing"
  5. Nah, it's more Switch this and Switch that these days.. Those bitches obviously can't keep with Switch out of their mouthes Nobody itt gave a shit until Shytre came in and had to say something... because he's so fucking salty about Switch
  6. "bu but we could mention hermi" No you can't bitchtre.
  7. Of course it's only the X-idiots that come in here ragging on Switch. How perpetually butthurt must you be to drag that shit into every thread? When lems actually get a fucking game they ALWAYS have to scream about it and laugh at the sheep... whereas the cows and herms never give a single fuck
  8. @Bodycount N He cleaned out the dust from his PC today. I'm sure his Xbox is still sitting under an inch thick layer from not having been used almost all gen though
  9. Probably censored on LOLerstation4 and trannyfied... nobody's missing anything here. They're probably releasing the classic version on PC as a pre-emptive apology for this garbage version
  10. Thankfully this wont be the censored version, you mean Glad Switch ain't getting this.
  11. He's a dipshit and deserves everything that happened to his faction. I'm not saying I want him to fake support anything... The meltdowns and damage have already been done. He's run his mouth to the point where he can't ever double back on it... So no, I'm quite pleased with everything that's happened. That includes him running back to Nintendo and playing with his Switch toycons screaming RGE to help himself feel better about the shitty situation this generation has left him in.
  12. Yes... he runs to whichever company is doing the best at any given time... He's a turncoat bitch Of course he can only stand getting spit in the face so many times. I'm glad MS fucked him so hard this gen so that he says he'll never ever consider going back... but of course we know he will.. It's an eventuality. But this time MS is making sure that he will look like the biggest bitch ever if he does so
  13. PC once again with the most good games and the higher scoring averages
  14. I think I actually might have. No flu has ever fucked me up like that before. I'm still not 100%, but I'm able to laugh now, which I thought I might never do again What a bullshit start to 2019.
  15. Ok, well I think it's gone on enough. Fun was had by all.
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