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Everything posted by Remij

  1. So I tried it out with Wolfenstein 2 finally. Man the performance in this game is sublime regardless of whether it's on or off.. but I made 4 different comparisons from pretty much the start of the game, and overall there's a general improvement of about 10fps.. depending on the scene it can be more or less than that. Sometimes close to 20fps difference... and that's at 4K resolution. Gaining that amount of frames at that resolution is huge. It would be a massive deal... if this game wasn't already hitting over 120fps at pretty much all times lmao. Content Adaptive Shading (Pe
  2. Pretty much a mid range PC at this point, but with far fewer games.
  3. https://www.windowscentral.com/get-your-first-look-razers-xbox-one-mouse-and-keyboard Lapboard warriors
  4. They're doing more important things like Lone Echo 2 and Echo Combat
  5. That looks badass. I like the style.. and god damn it's bloody Could you imagine if this existed back in the day coming off off Doom?
  6. Then shut the fuck up you no Steam Controller havin ass muthafucka, who you to judge?
  7. Did you order one with your Link?
  8. Go ahead and test this, please This is like saying gaming is done for if MS leaves the games industry..
  9. Ok, in the future I'll point them out to you. lmao And yea, it does. I'm glad you brought up the fact that I'm leaving out the settings... because that IS at Ultra settings... which is FAR beyond console settings. I guess I should try the game at Medium (X1X settings) with RTX and see how it fares? I mean, that would be the logical comparison right? They should have delayed it? Do you even understand how Nvidia's business works? These GPUs exist because the enterprise markets demands they exist. These GPUs are already EXTREMELY successful for their intended marke
  10. I wasn't referring to just that post specifically. I'm referring to how you speak in general. In almost every discussion about technology you overuse the shit out of those words to try to make your posts sound smarter. Whatever though. And the card easily handles 1080p with RTX. 60fps with ray tracing at HD resolution is not anything to laugh about. Are you really going to laugh at 30fps at 4K? I mean, we're in top of the line console performance with the latest, most demanding graphical advancement in the last 10 years... It also averages about 30-35% over the 1080Ti...
  11. I've noticed you use words like "operational" and "function" so liberally. Do you think it makes your sentences sound smarter?
  12. In your post you explain what you think Sony should do...... That's where the corporate angle is coming from. You're proceeding to say you're surprised, and that Sony should do this and that, when it's completely unnecessary for them to accomplish their goal... which is selling the console. Is it sinking in yet?
  13. Dude, nobody cares that you don't think PS4 Pro is worth what they're asking for it. The fact is that it IS because it continues to sell at that price. Think of how STUPID your original statement was... "durrr I think PRO should be discounted to $300 and a permanent price reduction after. The system isn't worth the cost of entry"... Yea, because THAT makes sense for Sony when they as they CONTINUE to break records... CONTINUE to sell out these consoles everywhere. The fact that people are buying it at that price means that your opinion about it's value is IRRELEVANT. MEANINGLE
  14. I give you the type of responses you deserve and nothing more. Your perspective on the matter is meaningless because it's worth is determined by the market and whether it's accomplishing it's goal which is to sell.... which it is... That means the console is worth what they are asking for it.. and they have no reason to change that until it doesn't. It's pretty fucking simple dipshit. A $1000 console with games is more worth a purchase than a $500 console with no games. The thing exists to play games...
  15. Worth = the price people are willing to pay. It's obviously worth the money.
  16. Give me a 2d top down "A Link to the Past" inspired game with phenomenal animations and some cool new gameplay mechanic. I'd fucking LOVE that. But whatever is good
  17. I'd honestly love to go look around and shit, but I'm getting to the point where I just hate crowded stores and would rather just relax. Most of the good stuff would be gone by the time I get around anyway.
  18. That Lion King trailer.. fucking CG these days man Gawd DAYMN
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