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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 100% DQ11 and finished the game. Absolutely Phenomenal... but fuck my life I'm never 100% a Dragon Quest game ever again
  2. Sea of Thieves shits on this abomination. Fuck Atlas. What a clusterfuck of a launch. If anything good comes from this, it's that it will make Rare put out content faster.
  3. Yea you're right. A lot of handicaps are dumb. Really no point to them. I definitely enjoyed DQ11 more than FFXV, but I liked that game as well. All I'm going to say is that there's still tons more for you to do. The game is absolutely massive if you really want to do most of the side content. I'm going on 111h and still not fully done it. I was playing last night and earlier this morning. I'll probably finish it off tonight.
  4. Oh I see. I forgot about that. Most people wont be playing the Japanese version, so it's still a valid point
  5. You're not anywhere near done the game... it gets harder. And you can also choose Draconian Quest which makes the enemies tougher. It's a great game, straight the fuck up. Easily worth the asking price.
  6. Yes. There's no reason why everyone on this forum shouldn't be buying and playing this masterpiece now (when Switch version releases) It's on sale on PSN and Steam and is definitely worth the buy!
  7. What the fuck is wrong with Ori 2 and The Last Night exactly?
  8. most of that shit has been fixed Link that page for me though.. I'd like to read which version it's about... Zelda is BY FAR.... best on PC
  9. This is complete bullshit. PS1 emulation is pretty much perfect for most games, and PS2 and Gamecube and Wii are also pretty much perfect. It's hilarious how hard you guys try to make it sound like ANYTHING on emulation is unplayable or broken. Completely ridiculous
  10. Just trying to save both of you from wasting your time saying the same shit over and over.
  11. PS4 version Switch version (taken from youtube remember... compression artifacts) Textures definitely have taken a decent hit, as well as the lighting, but still very impressive. Will look incredible undocked imo.
  12. Hopefully more of them start coming and get re-released. You'd like DQ8 as well.
  13. I was going to make that very fucking joke.. telling Kokujin to not watch because some game scenes are spoiled
  14. In the west it does. It's just the Japanese version that doesn't. Also, the woman who plays Veronica is cute as fuck
  15. Damn, I just saw the trailer... it looks REALLY good on Switch. Textures and LODs cut back... but not enough for anyone to give a shit. Pretty much the exact same as PS4/PC Good shit.
  16. Someone wears his VR helmet is a little too tight I think Take it off and come back to the real world you fucking lunatic..
  17. Stupid Cows... your best games are best on PC. No need for Playstation - Lemmings Dumb Lemmings, your best games are best on PC. No need for Xbox - Cows Emulation doesn't count - Sheep - Hermits
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