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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Awesome trailer. Fuck those were the days
  2. Exactly. There's no reason for this to exist other than to bring new attention to the game. Very likely the exact same as the Xbox version.
  3. I figured as much after Hitman 2 bombed. Which is a shame... it simply didn't release at a good time imo. The game definitely deserves sales. Hopefully this is true and they can at least survive and turn it around. Hitman and gamepass sound really good together, considering the way they are approaching it as "episodes" and so forth.
  4. Yea. It's also a game that demands a lot of thought into how you want to level up your character. It's much more involved than any of the Souls games. But it's also got better combat than the Souls games, so it's one of those games where if you're willing to put in the effort and design a character around your specific playstyle, then you'll love it. Great game though. If it's ever super cheap and you're still curious, definitely give it a try. Sometimes these kinds of games don't click, but then suddenly they do.
  5. Yes. It's quite tough initially. The 2nd boss you come across you'll be wondering.. how the fuck am I supposed to beat this bitch?
  6. Hmm, now that I think of it, I do remember him saying some stuff about it. It seems that Knockout League has a better career mode, but Creed has PvP.
  7. I finished DQ11 and have been doing the post game stuff. 90+h already SSoD is next and I feel like a VR game to fuck around with.
  8. We can be pretty confident that the headset will connect by a single Virtual Link USB-C connection, and depending on what they do, the pods can 100% be wireless. There's already wireless transmitters you can buy to make the Rift and Vive wireless already. I'm pretty sure I remember hearing about one for the Vive anyway. It's not impossible, and it doesn't add an unreasonable amount of lag, but we'll have to see what Sony does. Could go either way in 2 years time.
  9. Real talk Mala, all of them. I'd probably play Horizon ZD or TLOU Remastered first and/or second.. and then save GoW last. If only one, then GoW... though you should play TLOU at some point before TLOU2. (Game is going to be phenomenal breh)
  10. Yea, it's got BT. Wireless XO controller will work perfectly. lmao...
  11. Yea that sucks Awesome though. Let me know when you get them and then I can paypal you
  12. They're all gone in Canada. Seriously... do man. I'll definitely buy them from you.
  13. It's $2.50 for the fucking unit. lmao who cares? That's like $20 for two shipped..
  14. yea lmao but whatever lol. Did you get one? I'm being serious when asking btw... I'll pay you for 2+shipping... that's a ridiculous price. I'll throw one in each bedroom.
  15. https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2018/11/19/18103672/valve-discontinues-steam-link-streaming-set-top-box Dude grab me 2!
  16. They aren't all gone yet? $2.50 is that what the price is? Fuck yea get one man. If you connect it directly to your router with a ethernet cable it works great. Wifi not so much, depending on your config.. .but fuck yea at that price what are you waiting for? Hey if they are that price, get me 2 and I'll throw in a bit extra for you
  17. Fair enough. Still, I would have expected PS4 to be a bit lower and Xbox and PC to have been just a bit higher in all honesty. Just because you have 2x the user base doesn't guarantee that you'll sell 2x the competition. It's still impressive, imo.
  18. Yea it is. I love the idea of it. Gonna have to do some reading about it. There's quite a few questions I have, but assuming the feasibility of it, it's an awesome idea and you'd have to be stupid to laugh at something like this.
  19. Yea the PS2 was capable of rendering high amounts of alpha transparencies due to the memory bandwidth. In every other way the Xbox and GameCube demolished the PS2.
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