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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea the PS2 was capable of rendering high amounts of alpha transparencies due to the memory bandwidth. In every other way the Xbox and GameCube demolished the PS2.
  2. Notice how it's always lemmings bitching about how PC isn't a priority for devs but in every instance where publishers release numbers it's always very close to Xbox or ahead of it? Holy shit @ PS4 with ~50% though. Are all of Ubisoft's games multiplat? The way those numbers are you'd think Ubisoft was releasing some PS exclusive games and shit
  3. PC can be played in 4:3 as well.. but it's much better fullscreen.
  4. LMAO waiting for RTXbox in 8 years with worse performance It will always be best on PC... like the recently released LemUpset Overdrive LOLROFL
  5. So.... either you're doing it just to do it... or you ARE doing it for my attention? I have no problem with responding to bullshit. Either way.... you're still doing it RTXb1
  6. Constantly worrying and talking about what other people are spending their money on and what they are playing Constantly visiting the customer support forums and scouring youtube for PC news and info. Makes more threads about RTX than anyone else Wants to upgrade his Dell You're obsessed
  7. Nah, haven't played it yet. Saw it a long time ago though.
  8. GoW is gonna clean up at The Game Awards
  9. Just leave Astro bot on the floor and get out
  10. No.. not even close It's a game where you slice blocks to a beat... Oh yea... the official content is going to be SOOO much better than user made tracks..
  11. I have it.. and play it every so often. It's a godly game. Idiot lemshit sans VR
  12. Shitty mods.. they're custom songs idiot. You'll realize how big of a loss that is when you're tired of the same tracks that are there for you
  13. LMAO... that's truly laughable. (The PC's getting them too) but you leave me no choice... The PC version has Custom song support... lmao at your shitty paid songs
  14. I've had your most anticipated VR game for months now
  15. You absolutely DO want my attention cmon Jawnnnnnnnnnny
  16. Hate on that aspect of the card all you want.. as I said. But you know damn well the card does more than just 1080p 30fps low for $1200 Nvidia will charge what they will because no other cards outperform them, they are a generation ahead in performance, and now a generation ahead in gfx technologies as well... Yes.. $1200 is a shit load of money and not worth it for most people... but you're also getting the fastest consumer GPU on the planet... with performance that exceeds that of a $3000 volta GPU released just a year ago in gaming... and for development purposes..
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