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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Like I said.. .I bet you this version looks pretty much just as good, if not better, with a slightly lower resolution, and yet runs better than the X1X version. Why the FUCK target 4K on the X1X when you can't hit a stable 30fps?
  2. Nothing works for idiots... I've noticed that over the years on the internet
  3. And so? Them directly handling the game? I wouldn't be so sure of that. I mean, you use Quantum Break as an example but that was a game that was being ported to PC and wasn't even going to get an X1X patch until a single person on the team decided to take matters into his own hands and do it.. lmao. MS showed no interest in updating that game... a game which, like Sunset OD, they don't have much interest in returning to in the future. I feel like if this was a thing MS was really pushing for, then we would have heard about it already. They would have announced it and made at l
  4. Did you read my post? Where I say that perhaps Insomniac found time after Spider-man or near the end of Spider-man, and that maybe they had help from an outside studio? Maybe they didn't want to release an Xbox One X patch as to incentivize people to buy the PC version, which they were putting work into porting? Did you not read where I said that maybe MS allowed them to do so as long as they released a Windows Store version and perhaps other than that wanted nothing to do with it? I mean... a Steam release day 1 almost points to MS not giving enough of a shit about it and just wanting to
  5. https://www.resetera.com/threads/q-era-insomniac-games-discusses-resistance-ratchet-and-clank-sunset-overdrive-spyro-and-more.33176/#post-6202776 Kind of interesting. I wonder if the game will even get an Xbox One X patch at this point? Surely you'd think if they spent the time to port and test the game for PC, that they'd throw lemmings a bone... but the utter silence from MS on this game suggests that it's not happening. Insomniac either found the time after Spider-man, or they had help from another studio to port the game to PC, and MS allowed it so long as they rel
  6. A mp deathmatch Skating/Skateboarding game with guns and tricks
  7. People's eyes buckling under the pressure of such a beautiful art style . I never wanted to consider the possibility... but here we are
  8. Tied specifically to Win10 and the Windows Store.... But yea, I agree. XD
  9. Yep. Johan Andersson (Repi) leaving was a huge blow for DICE and EA as a whole. I think what we're going to see now are just smaller iterations on their engine, since I believe he was a major driving force in getting Frostbite to where it was technically. He's a fucking smart dude. Sure, they still have technically competent people there, but it was always him that was talking about pushing the state of the art. Another thing I noticed, and I've said it before.. is that before, BF3 and BF4 all had real-time cinematics, and then Battlefront and BF1, BF2.. and now BFV are all pre
  10. That's already in there and has been for years. lol https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TLHBR
  11. They've apparently got cameos already shot for 5-6 future movies because they knew that he was running short on time.
  12. I got so raped expecting this event to actually be something interesting... Funny thing though is that DynamiteCop was ragging on me for "expecting more from this event" and this was after all of this stuff... we know that he was expecting "No less than 4 studio announcements" "Halo Inifinite trailer and launch date reveal" "Gears 5 info and release date" and more... So it looks like I wasn't the only one expecting this event to be something much more than it was
  13. This guy works fast as well. He can knock out projects incredibly quickly, so it shouldn't be that long until we're seeing some stuff from him. AR/VR would be positively terrifying
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