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Everything posted by Remij

  1. There Jon goes again worrying about what I spend my money on WORRY WORRY WORRYWARTb1 Spends all day on the PC tech forums rubbing his hands together
  2. Hermits be like... either or And Lemmings are like hmmm, I'll have to settle
  3. Barely noticeable? Maybe if you're an idiot who's only looking at a picture. In motion, in practice, in effect.. it's much better. Not having the shitty artifacts of SSR.. plus looking better. Is it worth the trade off just yet? Not in this game... It doesn't change the fact that it's much more accurate and better. And you... you stupid fucker... having the nerve to talk about this when you don't even own one, can't even test one... and most importantly... The X1X version doesn't even come close to comparing RTX or not Shut the fuck up clown ass bitch
  4. LMAO not true at all X doesn't even have proper SSR
  5. They greenlit Quantum Break and had no plans to do a patch for that game either though. I don't see why they'd do a late announcement though. Then again, sometimes nothing they do makes sense to me. Why the fuck not announce this at their X018 event? I strongly feel that they didn't announce it there because it's specifically not getting any patch. That's just my guess though... Tomorrow they're supposed to talk more about it on Larry's show, so maybe they'll say it's in the works, but again, I feel if that was the case, they would have said all this at X018.
  6. WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T THEY MENTIONED IT? This has been my question to you since the leak... Why do you honestly think they haven't said a single fucking thing about any patch? Even INSOMNIAC themselves announced the game for Steam... and NO mention of a patch. Why do you think that is?
  7. We really don't need to fight and argue over this though.. because both gens Square was godly.
  8. So Insomiac confirmed it for Steam as well. Oddly... no news of an X1X patch @DynamiteCop!
  9. In all honesty though, while it sucks because I always liked the build up to E3 and having all the conferences close together.. the reality is that many conferences/events throughout the year that are a bit smaller is probably a much better way to engage the players. It's kinda nice always having some little event to look forward to for new info and looks at games. Hopefully that's what this translates to for the future.
  10. I'd take Square PS1 over Square SNES as well. They did amazing work on PS1. Yall are forgetting Super Mario RPG though as well for SNES. Godly game.
  11. Real talk though... E3 is done for. It simply wont be the same without Sony. EA's conferences are trash Ubisofts are trash MS's are great, but not enough on their own. LMAO at the rest of them... Without Sony and MS to go head to head, it's nothing for us.
  12. So they announced it, released a trailer, and are going to talk about the PC version tomorrow on "This Week on Xbox", and... still no mention of a X1X patch?
  13. It's dumbfounding how Aza continues to post things that CLEARLY point to 2020, and keeps talking like as if "it's 2019 guaranteed now"
  14. Yea.. this is one of those cases where the games are selling the card and not the other way around
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