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Everything posted by Remij

  1. A mp deathmatch Skating/Skateboarding game with guns and tricks
  2. People's eyes buckling under the pressure of such a beautiful art style . I never wanted to consider the possibility... but here we are
  3. Tied specifically to Win10 and the Windows Store.... But yea, I agree. XD
  4. Yep. Johan Andersson (Repi) leaving was a huge blow for DICE and EA as a whole. I think what we're going to see now are just smaller iterations on their engine, since I believe he was a major driving force in getting Frostbite to where it was technically. He's a fucking smart dude. Sure, they still have technically competent people there, but it was always him that was talking about pushing the state of the art. Another thing I noticed, and I've said it before.. is that before, BF3 and BF4 all had real-time cinematics, and then Battlefront and BF1, BF2.. and now BFV are all pre
  5. That's already in there and has been for years. lol https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=TLHBR
  6. They've apparently got cameos already shot for 5-6 future movies because they knew that he was running short on time.
  7. I got so raped expecting this event to actually be something interesting... Funny thing though is that DynamiteCop was ragging on me for "expecting more from this event" and this was after all of this stuff... we know that he was expecting "No less than 4 studio announcements" "Halo Inifinite trailer and launch date reveal" "Gears 5 info and release date" and more... So it looks like I wasn't the only one expecting this event to be something much more than it was
  8. This guy works fast as well. He can knock out projects incredibly quickly, so it shouldn't be that long until we're seeing some stuff from him. AR/VR would be positively terrifying
  9. WTF Are you able to edit it? It should be explained that Tobias Israel is "the bias is real" ... still though
  10. Watch Sony buy Insomniac, Insomniac then builds up 2 separate dev houses, one for Marvel games, and another for new IP, and they make Sunset Overdrive 2 on PS5, and it becomes a massive hit selling 5 million I could almost see something like that happening. A massive success like that (Spider-man, and games like Horizon Zero Dawn for Guerrilla Games) changes a company... it gives them confidence.. and changes the way they approach development. And people invest in companies which are extremely confident in their products. We've seen it time and time and again. Sony builds up
  11. LMAO, it's the movie TED but with Pokemon. It doesn't look as horrible as you'd imagine a live action Pokemon movie to look though
  12. Yep. I thought the absence of any kind of announcement at X018 was strange. Now that I think about it, I don't even know if there has been any confirmation of a Windows Store version at all to begin with? Maybe MS really just doesn't want anything more to do with Insomniac and Sunset Overdrive? Again, you'd think that if there was an X patch in the works... they would have announced something? The lack of any real announcements from anywhere, leads me to believe that this is Insomniac releasing the game on PC on their own, and MS may not have much of anything to do with it outs
  13. They could buy them and then allow them to run independently.. like Minecraft. Also, they're going 3rd party anyway
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