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Everything posted by Remij

  1. THQ Nordic is publishing a retail version... which is interesting. It releasing so soon makes it weird that MS didn't say anything about it at X018. You'd think that if it was getting an X1X patch that they would have announced that there? Perhaps it's not getting an X1X patch and MS just gave Insomniac their blessing in releasing a PC version? LOL That would be hilarious if true
  2. You're awfully defensive... I didn't state that they tested the Xbox versions.. just like I didn't say that they couldn't be better.. I said that the game in general is laggy as fuck in it's controls... and it IS. Dead zones don't mean shit when you're FULLY moving the analog stick to maximum and counting the frames from when the stick reaches maxium to when the character moves...... Xbox isn't going to magically fix hundreds of ms of input lag. It might be better... but not substantially so. It's a laggy controlling game.. THINK a little bit Dynamite...
  3. No. The game has much more input lag than your average 3rd person game. Why the fuck are you getting so defensive like a bitch? You do realize that 11 frames at 30fps is over 300ms right? You think Xbox is gonna shave a hundred or so milliseconds off that? You're a fucking clown, stop bitching at me because you think I'm ragging on your precious Xbox star multiplat game.
  4. It is indicative of the game engines performance as compared to similar games on the same hardware... yes. It's also indicative that the general input lag of the game is higher than average... which presumably affects all versions of the game to varying degrees. It's a laggy controlling game on all platforms
  5. The game also has terrible input lag Teh realizmz Should be much better when it launches on PC anyway
  6. Like I said... it's not impossible.. It would make a ton of sense... but it's not announced at all. Either they were responding to something from the audience about Diablo in general being on Switch... or they slipped up and "accidentally revealed it".. Considering NOBODY is talking about how they let it slip that Immortal would be on Switch... and considering that the actual response to the question the guy asked was "The current plan is mobile, Android and iOS, there's no plan for a PC version." They don't say anything about a Switch version... no site reported a Switch version... Blizzar
  7. Uh, while I don't doubt that's a possibility... I'm pretty sure they were referencing Diablo in general with the "It's also on the Switch, you're right".. referring to Diablo 3. There's literally no site announcing that Diablo Immortal is on Switch.
  8. ^don't spoil shit for me guys please... I'm 50+ hours in (just picked up Rab again) and I plan on playing this shit to 100% completion. I love it so much.
  9. Thank you.. they always turn out better when they're full of Joy
  10. lmao... PSVR back to back bangers? Astro bot and Tetris? Kids games and puzzlerz? VRToy with Movesticks? Please homie... PCVR got everything good that PSVR did... and it's better
  11. https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/2069106006465690 This isn't just a 360' video like before, it's actually the trailer running in the game engine... and holy fuck does it look phenomenal. This is without a doubt the best looking thing I have seen in VR, and probably the best looking 3D graphics I've ever seen. It's just surreal in VR.. holy crap. Ready at Dawn are indeed talented when it comes to graphics though.. so it's not surprising. But the fact that it has to run at 90fps as well, on two screens.. is impressive. The first one was a looker as well...
  12. bu but I thought the DS5 was gonna be a split controller?
  13. Talks about Xbox selling out when the going got tough........ then admits that he tucked tail and ran when the going got tough. Yea, I realize you're crossing the point of no return... that's why I'm calling you out on it. It's a big step... because anything can happen in this business. Who would have thought MS would have fucked up so badly at the beginning of the gen that it cost them all the goodwill that they made with the 360? Who would have thought that before Dark Souls on PC that Japanese developers would start bringing their games in droves to PC? Who would have thou
  14. The idiocy of people in this thread hating on one of the greatest puzzle game types of all time... just because this one is currently a PS4 exclusive...
  15. bu but it's a good seconda--shut the fuck up You think you can speak all the shit you did about Sony and Playstation over the years and then try to wiggle your way in since Phil cast your worthless ass out of the lemfaction and was forced1 to expand their market reach to other devices? Get real. I've been seeing you talk more and more each day about how Sony is "at least doing this" and "they know exclusives matter" and now you're slowly putting more emphasis on just how good some of their stuff is... trying to slowly make the cross over so people don't call you out for your sh
  16. Stop trying to be a cow you faggot... you made your bed, now lie in it
  17. Yea, it's going to be great.
  18. No. It was a 2h Game Pass advertisement with some DLC sprinkled on. MS bought 2 more studios, In Exile Entertainment and Obsidian. Both could potentially do some good stuff, but we'll have to wait until next gen before anything surfaces anyway. No point in caring right now. They are growing their stable of developers though, which is good.
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