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Everything posted by Remij

  1. RDR2 is going to be amazing on PC It's coming... so get ready to say Bhy Bhy Bhy to the only thing Lems have to be excited about
  2. Other games exist... lots to play in the meantime. The best versions of any Xbox first party game for example....
  3. Cope with what? RDR2 is coming to PC All of Xbox's future first party games are on PC Multiplats are on PC There's literally NOTHING the Xbox has that it will be best for. NOTHING. bu but RDR2... There's a reason you're riding it so hard... and you're going to get fucked when the announcement comes Sony I'd could definitely agree with... they'll have the best looking game with TLoU2. Anything Xbox though is best on PC and runs at 2x the fps... Literally the most worthless console out there
  4. Yeah... "Hey, this X game is coming to PC" "Rofl Xbox" "streaming future" "last in sales" "less than 40 million" are all typical topics around here
  5. Xbox One Xfire <--that's not a laughing smiley.. he's a lemming that stopped dropped and is rolling
  6. Since they felt that being tied to one box wasn't inclusive enough X is best on PC
  7. Hermits hyping Xbox games because it's funny that Lemmings lost ALL of them and all future ones to PC (and phones)
  8. It's not hypothetical... it's been demonstrated. That's pic is from the newest trailer for Squadron 42... What... are we supposed to pretend that games in development don't exist? He said there'll never be a PC exclusive game with production values as high as RDR2... and I contested that... because right now.. an exclusive game is in development for PC which has production values that surpass RDR2. Is it the norm? lmao hell no. Console manufacturers pump funds into development studios to build exclusive content with high production values. It's to be expected that they'll h
  9. In ambition... it's not even close to the same fucking realm man. You're embarrassing yourself... Well, actually you aren't, because you're on a forum where mostly everyone are console players primarily... so you'll just laugh shit off. But SC is far far more ambitious as a game. You have no idea.
  10. Well both are true.... Notice how I can say both with confidence?
  11. Holy fuck... maybe you should wisen up to what Star Citizen is... lmao FAR FAR FARRRRR more ambitious than RDR2 oh my fucking GOD There's a reason why it's a PC exclusive... current gen consoles couldn't HOPE to run it. Not nearly enough memory.
  12. LOL... Star Citizen makes RDR2's characters look like fucking cartoons man wtf It's moot anyway... because RDR2 is coming to PC... and will look better... and run at 2x the fps like GTA5
  13. Everything looks best on PC and runs at 2-3x the fps
  14. It's a game in production.. that's not a tech demo
  15. LMAO I conned you into finally buying and playing the game Best on PC
  16. bu but no PC game with these production valuz Oh wait And Star Citizen is an actual exclusive.... not a multiplat that's more popular on other platforms.. and one that's soon to be best on PC
  17. Saw this on twitter and thought it was funny
  18. lmao did you watch the vid he posted? It's complete bullshit
  19. Bhysexual on his period Gears Ultimate best on PC. Killer Instinct best on PC. Dead Rising 3 best on PC. Ori and the Blind Forest best on PC. Quantum Break best on PC. Dead Rising 4 best on PC. Halo Wars best on PC. Recore best on PC. Voodoo Vince best on PC. Phantom Dust best on PC. Gears of War 4 best on PC. Forza Horizon 3 best on PC. Forza Motorsport 7 best on PC. Cuphead best on PC. Sea of Thieves best on PC. Halo Wars 2 best on PC. Super Lucky's Tale best on PC. State of Decay 2 best on PC.
  20. You've got to stop betting against me man.. it's gonna end badly for you
  21. Xbox is best on PC. And Master Chief IS coming home And don't fucking proceed to explain shit to me when you don't know sweet fuck all. Please. Save yourself the trouble. Nobody is saying that it would be a snap of the fingers. I most certainly am saying that it's not what you fucking think it is. Chief is coming baby... and you're FUCKED
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