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Everything posted by Remij

  1. As Baldur's Gate 3, and Starfield sell massive amounts and prove that PC gamers don't give a shit SPECIFICALLY about Sony Playstation exclusives
  2. Good point. If 10M people are already using remote play to any meaningful degree, how many of them will bother spending money to do essentially the same thing. I mean, clearly there must be some data which supports this effort by Sony.. maybe they feel that if they can improve the experience enough with a dedicated device, more people will use it regularly... but like I said, a lot of this depends on the price they come up with.
  3. Yea I have to agree with that... but 4-5 years is a long time. Sony's already quite clearly gearing up for this with the PS5 digital and the rumors of the drive add-on for it as well as the potential PS5 Pro/Slim. But yea, games are obviously many times larger than your typical movie stream.. but with already half, or more than half, of the market completely embracing digital... it's not hard to see that once the dominos like this start falling, it all happens quickly. We also have publishers releasing digital only versions of upcoming games, like Alan Wake 2 for example.
  4. LOL if only he tried to play his PS5 as hard as he's trying to come up with something to deflect what we all know is true It's hilarious how you keep TRYING to point out something negative about PC games... but in the end it's just Sony's games that nobody on PC gives a fuck about and flop hard as fuck.. disproving that PC gamers are waiting for this shit That's all I need to type to keep him engaged... Something Sony hasn't been able to do with their PS5 games for him either
  5. Pretty safe to say that PS6/XSeries2 wont include optical drives, but will sell as an add on for backwards compatibility. There's no way they release devices in 2027/28 which come with them as standard. Maybe by then Sony/MS will have allowed you to link those game discs to your accounts permanently so they can be discarded if you choose to not want to buy an optical disc drive add-on?
  6. Returnal disproves that BS theory. Sony games just aren't worth what they're asking... and PC gamers know that. There's better games to play on PC... and far more choice. "Bwugz and tech effekz" have nothing to do with it
  7. Funny how other games can get away with it.. but not the Sony ones huh
  8. Yea, we certainly can't figure out why you bought a PS5, because you never play it PS-5 months later
  9. I think this is the type of device where the novelty will wear off extremely quickly for most people who buy it to try it. It'll be "cool" that you can just go to your bed, or the bathroom, or somewhere close by and relax and play on the handheld if someone is watching something on the TV for instance.. but being dependent on the connection to the PS5 will wear off so many of the use cases for these types of devices. I guess it depends on what want to charge for this. Maybe if they've improved the quality of their streaming, and if the device has some other kind of fun
  10. Jerry had to be conned into playing Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart on his PS5 by Ghostz and only did so because he wanted to win a bet against him so badly
  11. Yes, it is best on PC. Sorry sweetie... but saving 1 second of load time total in a 5 portal transition sequence doesn't make up for the fact that PC version RUNS far better while looking better. 120fps locked at 4K with DLSS and XeSS, which both look better than the PS5 version (which can drop to 1296p) and are more temporally stable. Further draw distances and RT BVH distance.. not to mention that's with better RT effects such as RTAO and RT shadows included as well. And everyone knew this game would sell like shit on PC... it's a full priced 2 year old PS game which lasts abo
  12. Ratshit and Jank on PC. Game looks phenomenal. This is at native 5760x2400 plus DLAA which adds more resolution on top of that, and yes the game runs amazing at that resolution lol. Pics don't even really do it justice imo.
  13. Looks like how I remember the game looking on PC... Edit: Ok, so apparently they changed some of the character portrait artwork... and not much else.. lol
  14. Game has some bugs currently. They just released a hotfix which fixes a couple of them though.. and I suspect the remaining ones will be fixed soon enough. But no... lol.. this game is best on PC already.. if you have the hardware. Looks glorious in Ultrawide
  15. Yea, it's definitely a more complicated design than the PS5. I'm sure Sony is also able to better negotiate pricing due to how popular the PS brand is... and manufacturers will overcharge companies which have more money to spend. Sony's also an electronics hardware company who knows how to make efficient use of all their resources and has done so for decades.
  16. Jez is stupid. Series S was a good idea and is the reason why MS is still in business. The cost for MS to make Series X's is apparently prohibitively high, which is why they're manufacturing far less of them and using the ones they have in the cloud servers.. they don't want to build Series X consoles and lose so much money. If it wasn't for the Series S, MS would sell some more Series X consoles, sure, but they'd be losing more money with every one sold, and it wouldn't make up for the loss of Series S sales. Series X was never going to sell like the PS5 was... they would ha
  17. Jerry doesn't have anything to say about him being completely fucking wrong and looking like a complete fool this entire time. He was so confident too And this was the guy that made it happen ---->
  18. Oh for sure. That's just what we do though. It's been what we've done for the past 15+ years and I'm good with it staying about that... but I get that some of these guys aren't as interested in games anymore and still want to hang out and talk about other stuff. It's all good.
  19. Seriously, if you follow a decent amount of developers/programmers on twitter, a couple things become obvious: Game developers and game development is like the bottom rung for programmers. A great stepping stone, but the best ones ALWAYS move on to where they feel they can make the most difference and far better opportunities. When all metaverse shit started gaining traction, a LOT of the better, truly knowledgeable developers, were lured away from game development with massive pay days.. the likes of which game developers simply cannot afford to compete with.
  20. Whenever I feel like nothing new is really catching my eye, I go back and play some classics. Both ones I've played before... but also ones that I always wanted to try but never did for whatever reason. I find the simplicity and charm of older games gets my head right about what's fun and important in games. Also Jon, I know you're probably not one to try some of the more "out there" shit... but that's one of the things I absolutely love about PC gaming... there's a literal shit ton of gems out there which offer fun and unique gameplay and experiences.. they just don't always hav
  21. I'll play games for a long time yet.. maybe not for forever, but I guess that depends on what happens with gaming in the future. It helps that my wife loves gaming too though. I do find myself more interested in the technology of games as I go on though.
  22. The perspective matters dumbass.. Native 4K is... 9x... as many pixels as 720p... which is about what these consoles are running at... not to mention ULTRA settings vs whatever lower settings the consoles use..
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