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Everything posted by Remij

  1. This is unnecessary preemptive damage control... lmao
  2. Yakuza 0 is best on PC Rapedtre
  3. I was checking that out. Another thing that I think reviewers might not like are the same style showpieces again. It seems exactly like Horizon 3 in that regard... in that the event is completely scripted. That's pretty disappointing. They should have tried something new as the big events. You could still have Showcase events as neat little story diversions... but have a new style of "high caliber" events which come along every season. For example say as you play the game, it builds a profile of people you've played with that most closely resembles your own in preferences, ski
  4. This is literally what the console wars has been for the last decade as well.... much less so than the PC vs consoles... IDIOT And the irony of downplaying performance differences.. of 2 to 3 times the framerate... LOL... especially after you've talked about high refresh-rate and high fps PC gaming for the past decade and how you're sensitive to fluctuations enough to know that something doesn't feel right in FH4 on X1X at 60fps You're a clown...you talk about how PC is always a compromise between fps and quality... and yet now we have consoles offering that same "
  5. Yea, your PC sucks... you have no experience with any modern PC hardware... You're a console fag... and you're trying to validate consoles sucking because they are cheaper And after all your whining... I still don't need an Xbox The Lem faction bleeding from the anus... BC ditched it for the Switch... just YOU and Jonny... who just spend $800+ on a Dell he wants to upgrade Thanks Phil
  6. Dude.. nobody is listening.. stop preaching... your PC sucks, we get it
  7. The trap card in which YOU YOURSELF post that nobody actually cares about it?? LMAO you did EXACTLY what I knew you would do... which is why I said it.
  8. Sorry, but yes... lmao those reasons. Nobody gives a shit about power consumption, or heat output. All those positives exists on Playstation. No Xbox required for any of that or ANY games. Not to mention the PS5 will likely be out before the next Xbox.. making the X look garbage in the console space for the year before it releases. Again, no reason to own an Xbox. If you want to play Xbox games... you play on the PC you already own and don't bother with a garbage console which will barely last 3 years
  9. PC excluded games on PS Xbox excluded games on PC PS excluded games on PC Multiplats on PC Yep... there's still no reason to ever own an Xbox
  10. Playstation gamers will be playing GTA6 and Xbox players will be streaming it
  11. 80) Coming to PC after the beta test is done
  12. I'd like to think that.. but I'm sure there'll be something that they find which causes them to deny the game a perfect score. It would be epic though
  13. The idea of this game flopping LOL, you guys crack me up
  14. Godly. They should have shown some more shit like this at E3 instead of that boring long ass trailer.
  15. Yea.. this game I stopped to play Tomb Raider... and while I definitely liked TR.. by the last part of the game had I stopped running around looking for shit and trying to "complete" the areas. I did too much of it in the beginning and kinda burnt myself out I think.. so I pushed through the last parts quickly... especially knowing that DQ11 was waiting for me. Honestly, I thought the very last part leading up to the "boss" wasn't that great. And the boss was the easiest shit ever. I'll probably jump back in and finish up the game sometime after the RTX patches hit. I finishe
  16. Yea, I'm a bit farther than these pics though. I'm at Octagonia now.
  17. This takes Crysis' scale and obliterates it. And yes.. it's not done and will never finish. The tech is impressive as fuck though
  18. If the game ever gets released that is... but holy shit these procedurally created cities are next level shit... lmao CyberpunkHBR. It's impressive enough as he makes his way out of a building into the city... but then when they get in a ship and fly above the city... and then fly out into outer space seamlessly... my jaw dropped. Seriously.. check out the first 15min of this... it's incredible the tech in this game.
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