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Everything posted by Remij

  1. DQ11 is so fucking gorgeous with some tweaks. I'm downsampling and forcing TAA through the engine ini files..as well as increased foliage draw distance and Reshade.
  2. Running at like 10fps and looking like shit Hopefully it turns out decent lol.
  3. In a good way I assume? lol I was just playing as well, now that I'm done with Tomb Raider for the moment. Feels good to get back to this.
  4. I understand your position. I greatly prefer pixel art (original art) too, as a general rule. However, I think they did alright here, and playing on the big screen they made the right call... and it looks better than the mobile version for sure. What remains to be seen really is just how well they captured the animations. A lot of times the reason why the new high res art for games like these looks worse is because they remove a lot of the frames of animation... which can give a lot of life to games like these. I'm just glad it appears they've done work to the artwork other th
  5. Glad these are finally coming to other systems. It also looks like they're not just ports from the mobile versions, but have actually been touched up even further. DS Mobile 123HD Trilogy
  6. WTF... it's a gradient... it looks gorgeous. That Spider-man PS4 though.. omfg
  7. That's actually probably the nicest X1X out there. LMAO Dumbocount.
  8. LOL... This story about the DQ creator hoping to bring more of the series to PC means that a DQ8 remaster is coming to PS4 because the 3DS version has worse gfx than the PS2. - Aza Can't argue with that logic
  9. I dunno... it's still pretty badass that you can play Dark Souls portably
  10. Yea, honestly.. their best work is always when they change it up. I love the aesthetic of this game though... We already have seen beautiful vistas, fall colors and snow covered areas. It looks fucking beautiful.
  11. It's in the very first trailer ever released for the game... Casualtre confirmed Glad I could spoil it for you though
  12. Yea, I wouldn't want to play this at 30fps either
  13. That's not the boss I'm talking about dumbasstre Everybody has seen that snake before
  14. There's a boss spoiler...WARNING!! This is going to be the best From Software game ever made... I'm calling it. And the guy playing is pretty fucking good at it. The verticality and freedom of movement in the game.. along with the awesome combat which looks brutal as fuck.. gaddamn
  15. Yea, not really feeling anything from this lol
  16. Like which? Which ones have been confirmed not happening? And it's rich coming from the dumbo idiot that makes a fool of himself day after day with his predictions Here's a new one from me that CAN'T be wrong... You're going to make a fool of yourself AGAIN the next NPD thread
  17. Idiot lemmings This thread is going to end badly for them
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